360 stats = Gone?! NOO--

(XVI the Great) #1

Anyone know anything? They’ve been down for ~day now.


We actually have stats.

(Susefreak) #2

bout time they dissapeared

(WhiteAden) #3

talk to Activision… it’s their job to tell you the bad news… not ours… PC stats have been off for a LONG time already… nevermind the official forums… -___-

(signofzeta) #4

Now that stats are gone, the 360 players can really play fair, legitimate and fun.

(Nail) #5

nah, they’ll drop it for a game with working stats

(signofzeta) #6

yeah, true, I haven’t had a fair legitimate and fun game in the 360 for a while. Heck, I haven’t had a fair game in any of the 3 platforms in a while. That is why I sit back and play I dunno, Final Fight and Streets of Rage.

(AnthonyDa) #7

What’s a “fair, legitimate and fun” game ?

(Nail) #8

one played on dedicated servers with PCs

(brbrbr) #9

Microsoft solitaire, i guess.

(XVI the Great) #10

A game without stacking or boosting- serious problems on the 360.

(AnthonyDa) #11

BTW, why not playing it on PC ?

(XVI the Great) #12

Our stats were totally offline for 1-2 days, now they’re backl up and running.


Do I have to thank you?



(brbrbr) #13

no consoles==no problems.

(XVI the Great) #14

no consoles==no problems.[/QUOTE]


Ehm, not playing it on PC becuase my good friend is on Xbox but I’m unsure if my PC can support it- don’t really care either- have enough fun as it is with bots and their logic AI glitches.

(AnthonyDa) #15

Yes, PC version doesn’t support your friend… errr wait … what ?

(signofzeta) #16

[quote=XVI the Great;215736]Whatever.

Ehm, not playing it on PC becuase my good friend is on Xbox but I’m unsure if my PC can support it- don’t really care either- have enough fun as it is with bots and their logic AI glitches.[/quote]

dude, get your friend to have the PC version. The PC costs like less than $30, well it is mostly $20.

I’m sure that he has a decent PC. I’m sure if you get a PC for FPS games, with a top end vid card, like if you save $1000, you should get a good PC.

I still have my 2 consoles, and my PC, but that is just because I revolve my life around patterns. That is why I own all 3 versions of Quake Wars, and that is why I’m going to buy these following games.

NBA live 10 for PS3
NCAA basketball 10 for 360
NBA 2k10 for PC

NHL 10 for PS3
NHL 2k10 for 360

Madden 10 for PS3 (already own)
NCAA football for 360

While any normal person would get one game of each sport for one system only.

You’d find that playing against real people increases the variables in the game, because the people here are always different when they come into the match. Maybe they are drunk one day, or have a great day the next. The variation never ends. But if you want to stay on the 360 version, that is fine I guess. That way, when I resubscribe to gold, I at least get someone to play with, and thus satisfies my pattern.

Ok, to add, I found out what playing with bots really feels like. Playing with real people online is like watching a live basketball game, or hockey game, or any sport on TV. Playing with bots is like watching a simulated match of any sport on your PC, 360, PS3, or Wii.