3 Years

(gee666) #1

Hi ETQW players

to celebrate the 3 year birthday of ETQW All clans groups and players are invited to a server party on Friday 1st of October, basicly looking for servers we can all agree to meet on and kick arse and take names, no stacking, No smurfs, no egos, just play the game

Any clans/server owners that want to take part post here

Or if you think no say so

3 years is a long time for an FPS so if someone would like to offer another idea say so

3years of my life gone and loving it gee666

CRC whats your story? Whats the Hampden!

(fzl) #2

3 years is not long…

Et strikes many years more…

happy birthday qw…but your time is over:mad:

(Aristotle) #3

You can use the Squish Mitten for the NA folks and whatever EU players that wish to play there. There are several in OCB and a few others who have the admin password in case I am not online at the time.

Have fun :slight_smile:


^Info about the server such as IP and what not.

(light_sh4v0r) #4

I could be tempted to show up for the birthday party :slight_smile:

(Apples) #5

I might show up if not drunk…

(Seanza) #6

Like that’s ever stopped you before.

(Kl3ppy) #7

haha nice one :slight_smile:

(gee666) #8

2 OCB servers available for Euro and American

(Apples) #9

Was it me or was it tonight? been there … saw nothing, so I played propub with unhittable spainiardz… poor me!

(Ashog) #10

Fail - wrong thread. Does anyone ever look here? Noticed it only now :frowning:

Clan thread wtf