Youtube Unskippable 4 minutes long advertisement

(GatoCommodore) #1

did you guys experience these too?

i just want to watch a 10 minutes long video on the phone and now i have to watch 14 minutes.
annoying AF

(AlbinMatt) #2

JAh, you haven’t encountered the 3 hour livestream"advertisement" now have you? Also, no. What’s the ad about?

(GatoCommodore) #3

ranges from cat food ad to World of warships

(NHLfan) #4

never happened to me, but I’ve heard there are some problems with browser extensions (or other software) blocking the “skip” button on YT.

(GatoCommodore) #5

i probably gonna need to delet my chrome then

(NHLfan) #6

i probably gonna need to delet my chrome then[/quote]

yep, maybe reinstall, or resetting the browser could help, not sure, though.

(XavienX) #7

Adblock FTW.

(Mc1412013) #8

I have youtube red family plan i never see ads. I needed music but theres no youtube music family plan which is stupid as youtube red plan has music and muaoc plan has red.