Your rank is luck dependent

(Verticules) #1

I am 18-1-14 since the patch, placed in silver officer. My wins are not GGs, they are Surrenders/Leavers only. My losses are 4v5s and/or always hard carries. My last 6 games: 3 enemy surrenders followed by 3 hard carry losses (playing medic with 40+ kills and 6k+ support exp.)
I am not the greatest player, but placed where I am I sit at an average of a 3.0 k/d, even when I lose. I communicate with my mic just about anything that will help win the match (enemy locations, kills, gibs, timers) . I play objectively and fill the role most needed, bringing fire support, medic, and an obj to each map.

Anyone else feeling this way?

(wolvie) #2

I played 2 matches. Both hard carry losses. Both with players with less than 50hrs. So I just stopped trying

(neverplayseriou) #3

I would queue up with someone who takes an engi and take fragger/nader/ stoker or skyhammer, don’t bother going medic with 3 randoms that can’t make kills.

This way I got quite a nice starter rank :stuck_out_tongue:

(Verticules) #4

I’m 18-18 now, I’m thinking hard about just tanking to bronze 5 for the lolz. The mmr system won’t work with how low population the ranked queues are. I’m done with this season.
They need to balance teams on average exp per game, k/d, or something because EVERY match is extremely one sided.

(blonk) #5

This is kinda how I feel, my hope is once you get past a certain threshold and are clear of the newbies/potatoes in the lower ranks, this sort of thing will be less prominent, but it is just hope at this point.

(solace_) #6

this is why I have suggested that ranks should not be based off of wins alone. there is too much influence from how good/bad your team is.

(Verticules) #7

@neverplayserious took your advice, bringing frag/skyhammer/stoker 5-0 so far.

(RacX3r) #8

Currently its all about your team,lol. I had comps where the second player behind me had 7k score after almost 30 minutes…you cant win such a game.
But tbh, including your KDR or whatever wouldnt make things better. Why? Because if your team is getting rekt you wont make a good KDR either.
The problem is that DB has too less players. My last comp games were all fked up because we had the maximum skill range…those games never end fair. But at the moment its not possible to find better matchups because the player base is too small. Consequently, Im not playing comps anymore

(RacX3r) #9

Currently its all about your team,lol. I had comps where the second player behind me had 7k score after almost 30 minutes…you cant win such a game.
But tbh, including your KDR or whatever wouldnt make things better. Why? Because if your team is getting rekt you wont make a good KDR either.
The problem is that DB has too less players. My last comp games were all fked up because we had the maximum skill range…those games never end fair. But at the moment its not possible to find better matchups because the player base is too small. Consequently, Im not playing comps anymore

(RedBeard) #10

[quote=“VerticallyObese;24966”]I am 18-1-14 since the patch, placed in silver officer. My wins are not GGs, they are Surrenders/Leavers only. My losses are 4v5s and/or always hard carries. My last 6 games: 3 enemy surrenders followed by 3 hard carry losses (playing medic with 40+ kills and 6k+ support exp.)
I am not the greatest player, but placed where I am I sit at an average of a 3.0 k/d, even when I lose. I communicate with my mic just about anything that will help win the match (enemy locations, kills, gibs, timers) . I play objectively and fill the role most needed, bringing fire support, medic, and an obj to each map.

Anyone else feeling this way?[/quote]

I did, however I have stopped playing ranked because of the topics mentioned in your pose combined with the insane wait time. Its not that there are not enough people playing the game, You can always find a populated match in five minutes. Its that no one plays ranked because its akin to putting your self in a frustration box for fun…

(solace_) #11

Currently its all about your team,lol. I had comps where the second player behind me had 7k score after almost 30 minutes…you cant win such a game.
But tbh, including your KDR or whatever wouldnt make things better. Why? Because if your team is getting rekt you wont make a good KDR either.
The problem is that DB has too less players. My last comp games were all fked up because we had the maximum skill range…those games never end fair. But at the moment its not possible to find better matchups because the player base is too small. Consequently, Im not playing comps anymore[/quote]

hmm, strange. I never saw this reply.

I don’t mean just KDR, that would be dumb. I mean a plethora of factors that could include accuracy %, headshot %, support XP compared to total XP, general placing in the match (top of your team? Top of both teams?), objective XP compared to total XP, Assists, and of course KDR.

Basically anything which is indicative of some skill or other. Of course winning the match would still be a huge factor, but, if you lose and you were top on your team, with high accuracy (headshots and %of shots hit), you contributed to the objectives and you helped your team, then you might gain a little rank. But not as much as if you had won the game.

I think this would help alleviate the frustration that many players feel when they were doing their part and carrying their team but then they still lose. And then they lose rank as well. You wont always be matched with competent players and when you aren’t, you shouldn’t be punished for it. This whole problem obviously goes away once you are ranked in the higher tiers.

(-BigRed) #12

To some extent. But one really good player can carry a team. Can’t get better matches without more players. Making the skill range shorter just means people wait longer, which is no fun.

(bgyoshi) #13

Why was this thread necro’d from the dead?

Rhyme intended this time

(watsyurdeal) #14

I always felt that your rank should be based on where you stand in comparison to everyone else. Like letting you know if you’re in the top 50%, 33%, 25%, 10% or 1% in the game

(fasT32) #15

@watsyurdeal said:
I always felt that your rank should be based on where you stand in comparison to everyone else. Like letting you know if you’re in the top 50%, 33%, 25%, 10% or 1% in the game

I wholeheartedly agree with this, there should be a distribution to the ranks. i.e the top 1% of all ranked players are at Elite Operative. Why? This will eliminate subpar people from getting into elite if they cannot compete at the top 1% of all ranked players.

(kopyright) #16

I didn’t even realize this thread was already two years old. All the flaws pointed out still apply to Ranked in 2018.