Your best DirtyBomb Meme?

(Reddeadcap) #121

@Runeforce Aura sounds really sassy, but I’d go more with New Yorker than southerner, as for Sawbonez, he has a bit of a southern drawl to his accent.

Vassili does get his name from Vasily Zaytsev but its more akin to a gamer trying to get a name that sound menacing in Vass’ case a famous sniper, that sums up Vassili really as some of his unique lines indicate he worked as a grocery store stocker, went to the evac zone just to not hear his parents, he misses because of lag and that he’s like an aimbot but in real life.

imagine Splash Damage releasing a reverse Vassili, he’d be a sniper too but personality wise more friendly and shouting things like “kills isn’t everything!” When detecting for his team.

(flow) #122

Stop talking about the mercenaries! You had only one job…

(AdmiralTeddy) #123

when you throw someone a medpack and they don’t pick it up and you start staring at them till they do

when you’re throwing someone medpacks and they keep dodging

(AdmiralTeddy) #124

when you’re out of bullets and your enemy draws out a bat

(AdmiralTeddy) #125

how I feel when I throw a medpack on the ground for someone to pick up

(AdmiralTeddy) #126

god bless RNGesus

(Ardez1) #127

[quote=“Admiral Teddy;25986”]god bless RNGesus


I wish that was me right now… Getting all those missions done at the same time must be nice. :slight_smile: Although I did have the “Play 4 Objective Mode” and the “Play 5 Objective Mode” at the same time as a “Win 2 Objective Mode” mission. Need to SS that next time :smiley:

(Ghosthree3) #128

In theory… In practice those are the only mission types I struggle to complete in the 3 hour reset window. It’s rediculous, I can complete the combat xp one in around 3-4 games but the support ones take 10+.

(Szakalot) #129

In theory… In practice those are the only mission types I struggle to complete in the 3 hour reset window. It’s rediculous, I can complete the combat xp one in around 3-4 games but the support ones take 10+.[/quote]

agreed, support xp is super grindy, and takes forever; even if im hunting teammates to be revived, healed, ammoed-up

(AdmiralTeddy) #130

easiest ones for me are the game xp, combat xp is alright, sup xp makes me cry, i made like 40+ revives, got the doctor badge and healed a shit ton in a stopwatch mode game, it only counted for second half which finished in 5 mins so i got like 1k xp from the 12k i had racked up, objective mode either teams are super unbalanced and you get no chance to heal anyone or you’re dead before you can cause you’re playing 1v6 as your team consists of level 4 potatos

Oh and ironically, i gain more sup xp giving out ammo than keeping an entire team up as a solo medic… smh.

(Ghosthree3) #131

Yeah I’ve found ammo to be the most efficient way except in extremely favourable games for healing. It’s still a huge grind though.

(_Sniff_) #132

After the last patch using quickjoin is like

(srswizard) #133

(Runeforce) #134

Game is €60,
people complain about not enough content for money.

Game is F2P,
people complain about not being able to buy all content in one transaction.

Game is P2W,
people complain how immoral it is, but still plays it.

Game is F2P based on cosmetics for monetization,
people complain about not being able to gain an advantage by spending money.

(watsyurdeal) #135

(Runeforce) #136

Throws all his medpacks on the ground at spawn,
complains Waterboy is too hard to complete.

(Fleshpound) #137

All the situations about vote kick on me or randoms from my team because of Vassili gonna be like

(AdmiralTeddy) #138

When you have daily missions relating to games won or played with x in your squad and you win the moment you join a server and spawn.

(AdmiralTeddy) #139

With less than 1 minute left for new daily missions

(scrub_lord) #140

The only way to get teammates to drop ammo