Your best DirtyBomb Meme?

(AdmiralTeddy) #1161

guys don’t mind adam, he’s just a troll.

(Feley) #1162

When Redeye throws his smoke so wrong, that it is helping enemies more than teammates:

You expecting* some screenshot?
Just go in any game and see for yourself :smile:
He is in rotation after all!

(MarsRover) #1163

Yep, I want to finally learn to use the Dreiss. I would prefer Arty because even if I don’t hit anyone I would at least be useful as ammo dispenser and EV destroyer. But no, all that smoke in random places forces me to take Redeye to see anything.

(AdmiralTeddy) #1164

god dammit @Feley I refreshed 5 times thinking my browser’s cache dun goofed again, then I saw the text… LOL

(tominatorx) #1165

When Phantom tries to attack you with his sword…

(KattiValk) #1166

Has anyone actually done this yet?

(Jostabeere) #1167

[quote=“Incoming;149570”]Has anyone actually done this yet?[/quote]

Like Arty and Sawbonez being dicks to Skyhammer and triggering him, Fragger being over touchy in an unappropriate way to Aura and Vassili, who obviously dislikes his strong, manly, hairy arms around him, while Aura acting like she does not like it, but we all know she’s just pretending. I mean, look at his arms, so manly. And Proxy just standing there and being all annoying with her mines and popping bubblegum-bubbles?
[center][Squad Goals intensiflies][/center]

(watsyurdeal) #1168

Fragger vs Fletcher, basically

(Jostabeere) #1169

[quote=“Watsyurdeal;149703”]Fragger vs Fletcher, basically



(Feley) #1170

[quote=“Watsyurdeal;149703”]Fragger vs Fletcher, basically


Throws second sticky :slight_smile:

Edit: Noo, even better… Detonates this sticky, throws next and detonates in a matter of second… Fragger dies :I

(YeOldeButtcheek) #1171

I’m sorry

(Adam) #1172

Why does everyone suddenly think i am a troll?

(AdmiralTeddy) #1173

@Adam gee i dunno man, maybe because you are one?

(SpinnerzNQ) #1174

When the merc you main gets a nerf.

(KattiValk) #1175

When the merc you main gets a nerf.[/quote]

When you don’t actually have a main, but are still disappointed in Splash Damage.

(Scav) #1176

[quote=“Jostabeere;148531”]It still revives as usual, so no.
R.I.P Aura! Healstation doesn’t damage enemies! Wasted 50K credits!!![/quote]

Lets not forget the really low score/minute ratio either. I feel insecure whenever im not 5-10k ahead of my 2nd teammate.

(Vocopi) #1177

The day they nerf fletcher >:)

(skepepular) #1178

MFW I get fully flashed by a Thunder.

(Adam) #1179

I am not a troll…

(Derpfestor) #1180