Your best DirtyBomb Meme?

(LCTR) #681

When you catch a double-kill with a Fragger nade…

(APRenpsy) #682

(AdmiralTeddy) #683

When fragger tries to flirt with medics

(Drcipres) #684

Everything is fine I guess :*

(brennanfreak) #685

When the guy you’re helping up gets gibbed

but when they space out on you…

(SereneFlight) #686

Random shite~

Stoker + Hans Volter

(Tanker_Ray) #687

One last enemy running away, or you seek for one enemy when

So… I got the Quad Kill, and WHERE IS MY ACE!!! COME HERE YOU JUICY 500 SCORE!!!

Edit : Also applies when you’ve done 9, or 14 kills without dying. Unstoppable and Godlike.

(Drcipres) #688

When you end all the execution missions and the bonus[url=]

(brennanfreak) #689

When you find the enemy team is stacked

(Jostabeere) #690

[quote=“LCTR;121628”]When you catch a double-kill with a Fragger nade…


No Blast Master? You scrub!

(Potato_Ladder) #691

[quote=“ValkyrieHunter32;122765”]When you find the enemy team is stacked[/quote]

And you only use one shot for each of them.

(brennanfreak) #692

When you see someone from the forums in-game

(SereneFlight) #693

(Shinywindow) #694

(AdmiralTeddy) #695


(Reddeadcap) #696

Words Nader lives by.

(brennanfreak) #697

What they look like

How they actually look

(srswizard) #698

@ValkyrieHunter32 Aura and Rhino always come in pairs too, that’s so accurate.

Mind = blown


The truth is out

(gg2ez) #700

[quote=“FUNNYBLACKMAN;123751”]The truth is out

Just saw this in my sub feed. I salute you sir.