Your best DirtyBomb Meme?

(tominatorx) #641

(3N1GM4) #642

When that sniper gets revived

(LCTR) #643

When I’m peeking a Proxy-mine and a teammate sets it off…

(sentimentalDime) #644

How you feel as a Rhino on a health station, against a team with no Stokers, Fraggers or Thunders

(tominatorx) #645

(XP_Expert) #646

[quote=“3N1GM4;119765”]When that sniper gets revived


i love many actor. but Charles Chaplin is my best actor for me <3

(Tanker_Ray) #647



Isn’t his name Charlie Chapel in?

(AdmiralTeddy) #648

@ThunderPro Sir Charles Spencer “Charlie” Chaplin

(LCTR) #649

When teams are waiting for the round timer to count down…

(watsyurdeal) #650

When you’ve been getting the top scores all day

(SteelMailbox) #651[url=]

(Reddeadcap) #652

Even more so when they’re actually doing worse and just brag about the card as it automatically makes them the best in the team.

(darlingClaymore) #653

Even more so when they’re actually doing worse and just brag about the card as it automatically makes them the best in the team.[/quote]
I smell salt when I go into my CW phoenix and am top score…I feel as if I step outside ill get mugged

(KattiValk) #654

I’ll just be here with my CW Phantom card. Crying. In the corner. Don’t mind me. RNGesus told me, “guess what? But wait…there’s more.” :s

At least it was the Kek-10/knife one.

(Shinywindow) #655

he looks lost

(Mr-Penguin) #656

[quote=“Shinywindow;120641”]he looks lost[/quote]

He isn’t Russian though…

(SereneFlight) #657

[quote=“sentimentalDime;119916”]How you feel as a Rhino on a health station, against a team with no Stokers, Fraggers or Thunders

Personally I prefer…

(Jostabeere) #658

[quote=“derpypenguinz19;120650”][quote=“Shinywindow;120641”]he looks lost[/quote]

He isn’t Russian though…[/quote]

He’s a former Spetznas. And he’s a Russian along with Sparks who is definitely Russian, too.

(3N1GM4) #659

[quote=“Jostabeere;120682”][quote=“derpypenguinz19;120650”][quote=“Shinywindow;120641”]he looks lost[/quote]

He isn’t Russian though…[/quote]

He’s a former Spetznas. And he’s a Russian along with Sparks who is definitely Russian, too.

“So, he’s Thunder and he’s Russian. Got it? Good.”

Though its speculation that he isn’t Russian. But officially, he is lol.

(XavienX) #660

I gotchu fam.