Your best DirtyBomb Meme?

(Jesse) #501


When they changed the ammo cache location
Fixed it for ya!

(AdmiralTeddy) #502

@Jesse i like how when he turns around it looks like a phantom face-palming him and he’s all like, wtf was that

(Jesse) #503

Spectating your teammates.

(HonourBound) #504

@Jesse how are you making these so quick and so well? :open_mouth:

(Izzy) #505

@Jesse Thanks, I was being lazy :slight_smile:

(Jesse) #506

@HonourBound I make them in Photoshop. Super simple.

(Jesse) #507

(LCTR) #508

When you quick-join an Execution match for your daily 500Cr and the score is 6-6…

(LCTR) #509

When other people put a lot more effort into their memes in the DB Memes thread…

(avidCow) #510

[quote=“LCTR;108376”]When other people put a lot more effort into their memes in the DB Memes thread…


DB memes, now with more intensity.

(Faraleth) #511

[quote=“LCTR;108375”]When you quick-join an Execution match for your daily 500Cr and the score is 6-6…


@LCTR This is the most true freakin’ thing… Although -

when you join for your daily 500cr on Execution and find it’s 0-0…

(Jesse) #512

(Drcipres) #513



(LCTR) #514



(Thai-San) #515



(SteelMailbox) #516



(Potato_Ladder) #517



Campers make fine fuel to the fire, don’t they?

(LCTR) #518

When Arty hits you with an air strike…

(AdmiralTeddy) #519

That’s ironic, when arty hits me with one I end up seeing myself as a few limbs scattered

(Apofenas) #520

I don’t know if random loves Blishlock or hates me, but i get this weapon constantly in every possible situation. Because of this i ended with gold Sawbones and gold Fletcher both with this weapon. I do suspect i’ll get a couple more bad gold load outs and try my “luck” for cobalt blishlock…