Your best DirtyBomb Meme?

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #3762

Me when I can just smell a Phantom nearby

(K1X455) #3763

(TheStrangerous) #3764

@K1X455 said:

The don’t call him BushWHANKER for nothing.

(auwi) #3765

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #3766

@“Mr.Cuddlesworth” said:
Me when I can just smell a Phantom nearby

“Y’all smell that? sniiiiifff… smells like a garbage-tier merc…”

(TheStrangerous) #3767

Soooo… Phantom gets “FULLY INVISIBLE CLOAK”.



(Xenithos) #3768

@TheStrangerous said:
Soooo… Phantom gets “FULLY INVISIBLE CLOAK”.



If the sounds still there to mess it up, I’ll just wait for that vulnerable phantom decloak.

(TheStrangerous) #3769

Anyhow, this still will be the day every Phantom main wakes up after their wet dreams.

Oh boy, better get ready to die…

(Xenithos) #3770

A hot picture of Sparks on top of Sawbonez

! Not mine, it’s from Fullkevlar on Reddit, made a statement about putting it here if he didn’t and he gave me full reign. You guys are missing some great memes here from Reddit…

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #3771

When the guy with the objective is too scared to turn it in:

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #3772

A single tear for the memories of sitting on top of the C4, cloaked, and stabbing an engineer who tried to defuse it:

(Your worst knifemare.) #3773

@Xenithos said:

A hot picture of Sparks on top of Sawbonez

! Not mine, it’s from Fullkevlar on Reddit, made a statement about putting it here if he didn’t and he gave me full reign. You guys are missing some great memes here from Reddit…

That’s hot.

(Your worst knifemare.) #3774

My most recent gift from @Soerbert

Always be aware of your surroundings.

(Boory Marks) #3775

@Lord_Coctus said:
My most recent gift from @Soerbert

Always be aware of your surroundings.

I’m uncomfortable

(K1X455) #3776

@TheStrangerous said:
I know I’m late, but better late than never.

I got a few coins to throw… wondering if broken sticky bombs are better than camel toe :neutral:

(TheStrangerous) #3777

How to piss off DB players in one word. ugh… 2 words…


Meh, like one Youtuber said. DB is like a fighting game, with multiple characters with different stats. And I agree.

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #3778

@TheStrangerous said:
How to piss off DB players in one word. ugh… 2 words…


Meh, like one Youtuber said. DB is like a fighting game, with multiple characters with different stats. And I agree.

You take that back, right now.

(TheStrangerous) #3779

If what SD showed was true…

The day Phantom loses Poopy Tier Merc virginity:


(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #3780

When an op player on the enemy team wipes out all my teammates and I’m the only one left

(Soerbert) #3781

@Lord_Coctus said:
My most recent gift from @Soerbert
–Eyera –
Always be aware of your surroundings.

farming points with my sh!tty edits?
I see!


! sorry for the awful puns