Your best DirtyBomb Meme?

(Xenithos) #3502

I actually can’t wait for season 4… It’s the first time purple loadouts are in DB that you can feasibly get. (as in, not a streamer)

(Your worst knifemare.) #3503

@Xenithos said:
I actually can’t wait for season 4… It’s the first time purple loadouts are in DB that you can feasibly get. (as in, not a streamer)

I can’t wait to get a purple Redeye and Sawbones instead of a purple skin for a specific zappy themed sniper-medic or everybody’s favorite teacher.

(Lawrichai) #3504

" - Go home Sparks, you’re drunk! "

(GatoCommodore) #3505

@BlackboltLW said:
I just found the actual title of this song, so let me use it here too

“mrw Ranked Season 4 got delayed”

the guy wikipedia page wrote
“known for screaming in cowboy song”

(Your worst knifemare.) #3506

How Guardian really revives the team.

(TheStrangerous) #3507

How to make Rhino gud:

! I swear, I’d play him more, if you let him curl up like a ball for traversal, and activate bubble shield during gunfights!

(Artyrim) #3508

Death or Life?
Your life,Your choice

(Xenithos) #3509

@Artyrim said:
Death or Life?
Your life,Your choice

I’m extremely confused. Fragger’s nade can’t trigger the proxy mine, so I’m pretty sure his only choice is life? Wut?

(Press E) #3510

@Xenithos said:

@Artyrim said:
Death or Life?
Your life,Your choice

I’m extremely confused. Fragger’s nade can’t trigger the proxy mine, so I’m pretty sure his only choice is life? Wut?

Idk about the caption, but that’s a terrible place for a mine. An enemy running through that area is unlikely to trigger it at all, not to mention how unlikely an enemy is to even get there at that time, seeing how far away the EV is. It’s more likely to get triggered by some enemy explosive and kill a person hiding there.

(Mc1412013) #3511

@Xenithos said:
I actually can’t wait for season 4… It’s the first time purple loadouts are in DB that you can feasibly get. (as in, not a streamer)

Are they even giving them out to streamers i have yet to se any in any of the 150-200 games i played since they were announced, and ive seen a few streamers in game

(Your worst knifemare.) #3512

@Mc1412013 said:

@Xenithos said:
I actually can’t wait for season 4… It’s the first time purple loadouts are in DB that you can feasibly get. (as in, not a streamer)

Are they even giving them out to streamers i have yet to se any in any of the 150-200 games i played since they were announced, and ive seen a few streamers in game

I’ve seen a Kira and a Stoker before so mabye?

(Press E) #3513

@Mc1412013 said:

@Xenithos said:
I actually can’t wait for season 4… It’s the first time purple loadouts are in DB that you can feasibly get. (as in, not a streamer)

Are they even giving them out to streamers i have yet to se any in any of the 150-200 games i played since they were announced, and ive seen a few streamers in game

I think I saw a thumbnail of an unboxing video for it, but I never actually watched it. I don’t think they have out very many, and the ones they did give out looked like RNG cases. They could have just gotten bad cards, lol.
Best to ask the streamers yourself tho

(Ptiloui) #3514

@Lawrichai said:
… so I better start practicing because my actual long jumps looks like this:

Well, that’s me half of the time trying to reach balcony from the roof top in Underground.

(Artyrim) #3515

@Xenithos said:
I’m extremely confused. Fragger’s nade can’t trigger the proxy mine, so I’m pretty sure his only choice is life? Wut?

You have a mine and a health station(maybe can’t be seen in ss). Health station rapresent life and a team mate’s mine rapresent death if there is an enemy camping/spamming stuff there. So if you want some health then you should be prepared for your own death. Your life,your choice xD

(Xenithos) #3516

@Mc1412013 said:

@Xenithos said:
I actually can’t wait for season 4… It’s the first time purple loadouts are in DB that you can feasibly get. (as in, not a streamer)

Are they even giving them out to streamers i have yet to se any in any of the 150-200 games i played since they were announced, and ive seen a few streamers in game

I would have to say it’s probably less than 10 streamers that have gotten one. Now, if they’ve been throwing them out to people on YouTube and more as well, then I have yet to find out. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Artyrim) #3517

Proxy meets blind people -_-

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #3518

When new Ranked season announced

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #3519

(TheStrangerous) #3520

Augments in DB don’t work, community’s enraged.


(_Sniff_) #3521

When you and your team dicks around before the game begins