Your best DirtyBomb Meme?

(AlbinMatt) #3221

@PeterComputer said:

@Lord_Coctus said:

Trumpy memes will appear plus eveyone will either love or want to murder Turtle players.

I can just imagine a team of Turtles in square formation defending against another team of Turtles also in square formation.

I’d imagine CrusNaders going all Deus Vult retaking Buckingham palace against the Ottoman Turts.

(AlbinMatt) #3222

This week on Mercs on Rotation:

A French stylist and a local London electrician, presumed to be a divorced couple makes up their ruinous marriage by terrorising the streets of London with Harry Potter merchandises and nucelar pancakes.

In related news, a New York yankee began his healing and killing spree. With alleys drenched in disinfectant and roads littered with bandages, this old papa is going to surgerize your buttocks quite nicely!

(AlbinMatt) #3223

First match of the day, three snipers (sub lvl 10s) FOUR Proxies, and me as the only medic. Game ends, we lost, I get blamed for not healing seven people simultaneously.

(Your worst knifemare.) #3224

Some secret gameplay of turtle

! yay

(AlbinMatt) #3225

@Lord_Coctus said:
Some secret gameplay of turtle

! yay

Yo, that’s an actual turtle. Isn’t that guy in risk of dying if he doesn’t get back in the water?

(TheStrangerous) #3226

Fragger, are you sure you want somebody to eat your pineapple?


(Xenithos) #3227

@AlbinMatt said:
First match of the day, three snipers (sub lvl 10s) FOUR Proxies, and me as the only medic. Game ends, we lost, I get blamed for not healing seven people simultaneously.

You must have been playing the wrong medic. Git gud.


(GatoCommodore) #3228

i hope the server security guy isnt playing the game with us

(_Sniff_) #3229

When you’re practicing a merc and go up against someone who mains them.

(hawkeyeguy99) #3230

When you get a merc mission for your main:

(GatoCommodore) #3231

tfw 3v5 and your team is all unranked but you win anyway

(Shinywindow) #3232


(Boory Marks) #3233

(Press E) #3234

Tbh I usually play proxy when my internet is messing up

(BlackboltLW) #3235


Mobile Forum is dumb

(Mc1412013) #3236

@BlackboltLW said:

Mobile Forum is dumb

Set your browser to desktop mode

(GatoCommodore) #3237

@BlackboltLW said:

Mobile Forum is dumb

posting from mobile itself is a meme on its category

(Shinywindow) #3238

(Xenithos) #3239

@Shinywindow I’d always felt they just kept making Fragger look stupider. :confused:

(TheStrangerous) #3240

@Shinywindow said:

Now Fragger looks like Scrubby.