Your best DirtyBomb Meme?

(HunterAssassin5) #2441

when someone votes for Dome

when the vote passes

(I like Dome, btw)

(Thai-San) #2442


When I’m up for some Dome and people actually vote for it

When they change their minds in the last second of the vote and it’s Bridge instead.

(AdmiralTeddy) #2443

@ThaiSan (only the first 10 secs)

(Your worst knifemare.) #2444

Proxy on free rotation.

(Herr_Hanz) #2445


Proxy on free rotation.[/quote]

you mean this:

this is also good:

(BlackboltLW) #2446

I haven’t draw something good lately so I just steal some gifs from my Facebook

When you and your friend walljumping together to some kind of invisible walls

(Xenithos) #2447

[quote=“Sorbert;207020”]@sweetColumn for the giggles ofc. Also thanks for the insightful my friend.

I have a few more dirty bomb memes in stock, just waiting for the right moment to post them. None of them are disturbing i promise :* [/quote]

That whistling face must stand for *Unless you click my spoilers. And then you’re all mine. MINE I TELL YOU.

(HunterAssassin5) #2448

killing a melee phantie/kira with melee

(Your worst knifemare.) #2449


Proxy on free rotation.[/quote]

you mean this:

this is also good:


Yeah thats what i meant. Still trying to find out how to get it right on what im useing.

(Xenithos) #2450

killing a melee phantie/kira with melee[/quote]

Um tbh, that’s when you’re trying to kill Rhino with a beckhill/stilnotto with no chopper perk. I rarely have an issue with Phantoms and meleeing them as much as trying to melee kill a rhino.

(Herr_Hanz) #2451

@paramountGasoline you use the link from the google search page. what you need to do is select the pic you want from google, press ‘view image’ (next to ‘go to page’), and it will open the picture in a different tab. use the link of that tab between the IMG bbcode.

in my browser its called ‘afbeelding bekijken’

(AdmiralTeddy) #2452

@paramountGasoline @Herr_Hanz even simpler, just right-click on the pic and select “copy image location”.

(Your worst knifemare.) #2453

Thanks @“Admiral Teddy” and @Herr_Hanz but i forgot to mention…im using a phone :confused:

But i think Herr_Hanz idea could work with it.

(Boory Marks) #2454

@paramountGasoline I also use a phone sometimes. The phone version of the forums is really well built imo. Problem is you can’t post photos or gifs easily. Idk if you can, but I can’t.

(aminuseternal) #2455

@paramountGasoline nooooo don’t listen to them be a rebel! :smiley:

(Cletus_VanDamme) #2456

killing a melee phantie/kira with melee[/quote]

I’m all for teaching kids how to defend themselves once they reach a certain age, but hitting in the back? Pounding the face 15 times while the person is cowering on the ground?

That’s sick and disturbing. I hope that gif gets removed.

(GatoCommodore) #2457

killing a melee phantie/kira with melee[/quote]

I’m all for teaching kids how to defend themselves once they reach a certain age, but hitting in the back? Pounding the face 15 times while the person is cowering on the ground?

That’s sick and disturbing. I hope that gif gets removed.[/quote]

(Your worst knifemare.) #2458


Proxy on free rotation.[/quote]

My fame here started with this failiure

(Herr_Hanz) #2459


Proxy on free rotation.[/quote]

My fame[/quote]

(AdmiralTeddy) #2460

Every time new customizations get released

When you play phantom vs new players

@TheRyderShotgun when people complain about weeb stuff

When you get flashed by thunder