You know you're addicted to DB when...

(Someordinaryguy) #21

Be Eastern European like moi=problem solved

(Your worst knifemare.) #22

When you cosplay as one of the mercs.

(MrBluuy) #23

When you can’t decide to w*nk or play Dirty Bomb

(watsyurdeal) #24

Easiest way? When every other game feels too slow or too fast for you to enjoy them.

My problem with Doom actually

(CyberVonCyberus) #25

when you try to take stoker as an example to become a gentleman but you fail because everyone at school is bootyhole and keeps on enraging you

(crimsonDessert) #26

When you point a laser to the ground and yells… HERE COMES ARTY!

(TheStrangerous) #27

When your standards for online shooter has changed, making literally other online shooters not fun.

(sgtCrookyGrin) #28

When you spent your study hall at school typing out a theory about the stretched out lore that may or not be in the full game,

I should get back to doing my Homework right now…

(SiegeFace) #29

Thinking that your hearing Phantom’s refractive armor, everywhere you go.

(Your worst knifemare.) #30

Change your name into one of the mercs names.

(BlackboltLW) #31

Well I tried parkour and wall-jumping multiple times but that doesn’t prove anything

…my feet still hurts

(Dr_Plantboss) #32

Every time you hear beeping you get under a roof

(Reddeadcap) #33

You refer to Characters by the closest thing the have in Dirtybomb.

Junkrat = Nader or Heavy, BullDozer = Rhino

(Your worst knifemare.) #34

[quote=“Redcap;204770”]You refer to Characters by the closest thing the have in Dirtybomb.

Junkrat = Nader or Scout, BullDozer = Rhino[/quote]

Fixed it for you.

(GatoCommodore) #35

my ears still rings phantom cloak sound.
i still remember the horror.
the horrible horrible noob phantom got me in the face.

(The_N00Ba) #36

When ever some one falls down, you start waving your hands at them to try to get them up

Also I don’t play phantom… much

(HunterAssassin5) #37

my ears still rings phantom cloak sound.
i still remember the horror.
the horrible horrible noob phantom got me in the face.

as the kind of phantie player who stands in a doorway cloaked for the sole reason of right-clicking on the first guy to try to walk through the door, this pleases me

(GatoCommodore) #38

my ears still rings phantom cloak sound.
i still remember the horror.
the horrible horrible noob phantom got me in the face.

as the kind of phantie player who stands in a doorway cloaked for the sole reason of right-clicking on the first guy to try to walk through the door, this pleases me[/quote]

(Dysfnal) #39

When every time someone says “okay” you finish it with “party starts heeya”

(DankBeretField) #40

When I was playing Lucio and fight against a Mei. I almost died, but when I open my Mountain Dew like how Stoker activate his Molotov, I successfully killed Mei. THE POWER OF STOKER SHALL GUIDE, PRESERVE ME AND DESTROY ALL MEIS!!!

That is when I realized that I. Am. Hooked. Into. DIRTEY BONG!