(Yet another) Idea for Phantom tweak

(Ptiloui) #1

So, SD stated that testing him with a decloak delay before attacking was too “janky” (didn’t know this word exists).

But we definitely need something to make Phantom unable to attack right from the cloak.

So this idea came into my mind : What if you had to maintain the cloak ability to remain invisible ? You press the key, you become invisible. You release it, you go back to visible with the emp wave disrupting everything around you.

Results :

  • Phantom can’t attack while cloaked, you’ll be visible before being able to attack (considering the weapon switching delay)
  • Able to “tap” cloak ability to release an instant emp wave.

(Shenaynays) #2

in all honesty, phantom seems to be in a good place right now.

(Press E) #3

Honestly I just wish SD would stop trying to force an idea that clearly doesn’t fit with DB.
Having his cloak be his main draw is just a bad idea. It frustrates new players and generally goes against the fast nature of DB.

He was way better before imo. Having to hold down a deployable while my team rushed through or crouch down while an enemy ran by you was awesome. Yeah, he was a bit underpowered, but that didn’t need a complete redesign. I used to love playing phantom, but now he’s just unfun to play against and unfun to play as. The only major problem with him before was that people kept trying to play him as a stealth ninja instead of what he was, then complaining when it didn’t work out.

I’d rather they just revert him back to the way he was and work from there. Focus on the armor and EMP aspect of his cloak rather than the invisibility. All invisibility serves to do is give players an easy kill button and piss off new players who completely avoid low HP mercs now because of phantom.

(WatchAsILead) #4

You never heard of the word janky? Were you homeschooled or something?

(Ptiloui) #5

I think the purpose of invisibility in DB in the form of Phantom, at least when the idea came out first, is to flank, rather to get a ninja kill. Also, it offers a way to “manually” spot, meaning you directly tell your team mates who and what is where, the same way the old Aimee’s camera was working.

As you @STARRYSOCK, i feel Phantom was more useful with his old constant emp, but I would really surprised if SD do a drawback. Hence my idea to tweak him in the way he’s working now. Also, my idea delete, or at least reduce significantly, the ability to get those ninja kills that annoy everyone.

@WatchAsILead said:
You never heard of the word janky? Were you homeschooled or something?

I went to the public school … in France :wink:

(Press E) #6

@Ptiloui said:

@WatchAsILead said:
You never heard of the word janky? Were you homeschooled or something?

I went to the public school … in France :wink:

That’s no excuse for not knowing an obscure english word that I’ve only heard used 3 times in my entire life of living in an english speaking country

(Gire) #7

No no and no. Phantom couldnt do shit if he had a delay with the current state of his cloak.

If his cloak would last much longer and would be silent and completetly invisible then delay would be understandable, but his cloak makes a sound and a clear visible silouette (even when crouching still), his cloak not having a delay is all good

(Ptiloui) #8

@Gire said:
No no and no. Phantom couldnt do @$!# if he had a delay with the current state of his cloak.

If his cloak would last much longer and would be silent and completetly invisible then delay would be understandable, but his cloak makes a sound and a clear visible silouette (even when crouching still), his cloak not having a delay is all good

Well, I guess you’re right. But isn’t it stupid to have a character who is supposed to be invisible but that is NOT invisible ?

The idea of having a delay is to make him back more invisible (if not totally). Otherwise, I agree with you, it will just be another nerf.