Yet another _blocksize Q


When I have _blocksize 0 on I still get portal lines inserted every 4000 or so grids, but I know there is another similar command that needs to be disabled but I forgot the name of it.

It’s like maximum chunk size or maybe it’s _chunksize but someone said that is the ET equivalent to _blocksize. Anyone know the corresponding command that I am thinking of for jko/jka?

The command that I am thinking of designates the maximum size of any given leaf node so even of you use _blocksize 0, there is still an over ride of some sort.

(Qualmi) #2

to check if _blocksize 0 really works you must load your .prt-file, not only view/showblocks. there is an plugin called prtview. you must first compile normal bsp and then load the prt file to see how the bsp-phase splitted your world into nodes. if there are only nodes created through structural brushes then blocksize 0 works.

if you only look in radiant with view, you will only see some static 1024 ³ nodes. it somehow never changes when you do blocksize 0 (changes always to 1024 1024 1024). maybe a bug, dunno. but best way to look is with this plugin.

(Qualmi) #3

to check if _blocksize 0 really works you must load your .prt-file, not only view/showblocks. there is an plugin called prtview. you must first compile normal bsp and then load the prt file to see how the bsp-phase splitted your world into nodes. if there are only nodes created through structural brushes then blocksize 0 works.

if you only look in radiant with view, you will only see some static 1024 ³ nodes. it somehow never changes when you do blocksize 0 (changes always to 1024 1024 1024). maybe a bug, dunno. but best way to look is with this plugin.


Ya, I always load my .prt tables and check em out.

_Blocksize 0 works fine, but there is a default maximum leaf node value around 4000-8000 long. Even if you have _blocksize 0 on, you still get portal lines inserted.

I was asking if anyone knew the command that I needed to disable that. I recall pondering this a few months ago, and I think I found the command but I’m kind of hazey on it.

(Qualmi) #5

hm…strange…dont know this command. also if i do a new testmap and have blocksize 0, i cant see these default leavenodes, dunno :/. are you using any suspicious worldspawn entries, any compileoptions. it must be a command you have set.


Did you make your room REALLY large and long? Maybe it’s around 16000. I swear there is a command that controls maximum leaf node size, but like I said I haven’t thought about this in a few months. I’m kind of hazey on it.

Try making a very long room and see if you can get it to just be one giant leaf node. These seem to get autosplit from what I recall seeing.

Perhaps it was just other hint brushes crossing over and extending beyond its boundaries (they do do that) though it’s a pretty large map. My prt table isn’t loading right now for some reason so I’ll have to reexamine it after I get a new compile and a new prt table done.