Ive just had the chance to peak into the stream with the current test build and noticed new dark red background for missions.
I wanted to take the chance and post some idea from the Nexon forums, that got a couple likes but didnt spark a real discussion over it:
New players sometimes seem to struggle with the different XP types required for specific missions.
You know the color codes for different ingame tasks:
Blue for Support XP like healing etc.
Yellow for Game mode XP like repairs etc.
Red for Combat XP from kill related tasks.
While its pretty obvious for veterans, I believe the game would benefit from using its own ingame color code through out the whole UI.
This includes the missions and the debrief screen. It doesnt have to be too much to kill the game’s general aesthetics, but at least write Combat, Game Mode and Support in their respective colors, maybe a bit “paler”.
So a mission would be:
Get 9000 Combat XP with Nader in your squad. The bold part would be red…
General XP would just stay as is.