Hi there Brink players!
The North America Brink Cup is an event just so Brink players can get together and play as a team. In the NABC (North America Brink Brink Cup) matches will be played in 3v3 the NABC will start once there is enough teams to start. This is not a clan tournament, you may enter with friends or anyone. The matches will be stopwatch, and the captains decide how long.
Maps: Aqaurium, Reactor, Refuel, Resort or Shipyard.
Min. amount of players on team: 3
max amount of players on team: 3
Players to start the game: 6
Friendly fire: Yes
Overtime: No
Dead Camera: No
No command post boost
No rank lock
The event has to start with 6 people but can end with 2v2
To enter just contact:
Ninc0w [XBOX 360]
Send private message on here (splash forums) or www.ninjacowboys.tk
ll specter ll [XBOX 360]