www.quakewarscenter.com new info

(organon) #21

I know the focus is on foot combat. And I understand the gameplay reasons and approve of them.

I still find it awkward that on Ark you only can blow up the jamming tower with a charge, but not with artillery. And strogg artillery is available if I remember the NVIDIA 8800 promo video right.

And at least as a mapper it would be cool to give oppressors decisive objectives too. (Or medics for that part, stuff like “retrieve strogg tissue from strogg facility X”).

The Armoring tool is still a mystery to me. The best explanation I came up with is, that you need it to set the bombs. Would be strange though to have 2 items to do one thing, and those items being there by default for the class. Don’t think sd would add “cruft” like this. And in Counterstrike you only have the bomb too, seems to work fine :wink:

(grudgebearer) #22

Possibly the Constructor’s Engineering Drone?

(murka) #23

ah teh arming tool is definetly something to do with the HE charge

(Earlydawn) #24

Are medics no longer capable of requesting a supply station drop?