Wtf? 10 seconds for a single sparks pack?

(Your worst knifemare.) #21

I’ve said this before, but they really need to buff her MP’s or create new weapons for her for gen 3

(Press E) #22

She’ll probably get hunter’s thingy, which is very powerful for an MP from what I’ve seen. She might also end up with a pistol too maybe, most likely the hoigat since it’s pretty spammy. Although honestly I wouldn’t mind it if they buffed MPs in general a bit, I tend to forget they exist lol.

(LifeupOmega) #23

Yeah, difference being her real heal is the Revivr which you use to TK to 100% hp within a second. The health packs don’t exist in a fucking vacuum.

(AlbinMatt) #24

Oh nonononono. Do not buff any of the MPs, please. Toasty Meatballs already has two primaries, we don’t need him having his sidearms be even even stronger.

Just give Sparks a Crotz or a Kek, honestly. I haven’t seen too many Alaskans in matches, but I doubt Hunter is doing any better.

(Szakalot) #25

You hve it backwards.

2 direct hit spark medpacks heal most mercs to full HP. This is faster heal rate than any other healing ability in the game.
That on its own is a great feature, plus she can heal herself. Whenever not in combat Sparks can very quickly teamkill-revive, and ‚revifle’ also has the best heal/charge allowing you to give people full revives much quicker, and at a distance.

Sawbonez is great for juicy heals on that fragger in 5v5 comp, but doesn’t allow for heal midfight

(HadronZodiac) #26

39hp every 10 seconds? phoenix does that in half the time, to himself, everyone around him without limit, and easy to land.

Sawbonez does full hp in about 1.5 seconds, assuming u can land packs and ur teamate isnt stupid

Aura is just, fucking aura

Guardian is just, fucking guardian

Sparks has 39hp every 10 seconds in a tiny area that can be hard to land at times

Much balance

Tbh if she got 9 second cooldown and can hold 5 packs id be fine, or 8 second cooldown

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #27

It wouldn’t be a buff, just an unnerf.
I myself would like dual mps for Sparks, along with burst fire or fully automatic Hoigat.

(HadronZodiac) #28

I think 2 burst hoigat would be great

throwback to one of my old gun ideas that does a 2 burst, maybe pistols could be that, like mini burst rifles

(Your worst knifemare.) #29

Hopefully gen 3 would remove MPs from him, Crysilli, and Proxancer.

(AlbinMatt) #30

The issue isn’t necessarily just about Sparks being a weak team healer, it’s also the fact that she is very self-sufficient- just like Phoenix- and can dish out damage far more than any pleb SMG that every other medic has- some would say to the equivalent of snipers.

And Guardian still doesn’t look enticing enough for me. A medic class with no heals just feels wrong.

(kopyright) #31

Stationary only, though.

(Jigstraw) #32

Anyone who thinks sparks needs buffs is not good at sparks, or has not played against a good sparks player. She easily has one of the highest skill ceilings in the game, so the better a player you are, the better she’ll serve you :stuck_out_tongue:

(HadronZodiac) #33

The mp’s are too meh now

Also nah, 10seconds for tiny pack is just bs

(Xenithos) #34

A skill ceiling can only be so high before the point where playing another character is just easier and better for the team and the individual. Sparks is outdone 90% of the time. And if you happen to have someone in competitive settings versus other competitive settings Sparks is the 2nd to last option for field medic…

(ToffaPlus) #35

I miss 25% quick charge.

(Szakalot) #36

you still don’t get it. Where do you get the 10seconds from?

You can easily throw two medpacks within a second. 1>10.

You talk about cooldowns as if all medics were constantly depleted on cooldowns.

Consider every second that your healing abilities are full. These are seconds that are effectively ‚wasted’. Majority of cooldowns for medics are so low that you rarely encounter a bottleneck. Therefore the healing efficiency takes precedence. Rarely is healing a battle of attrition where people poke-heal-poke until one medic is on cooldown and their team gets rolled.

I haven’t measured sawbonez medpack regen rate but its around 30-35hp/sec (used to be the same as aura station regen pre-nerf), which is >3 seconds for a beefy merc, even with a direct hit.


You look at the medpacks isolated and don’t seem to take the grand scheme into consideration.

None of the other medics’ healing capabilities function instantly (aside from Phoenix), none are capable of reviving their allies from an unlimited range (given that there are no obstacles on the path of course) and none have a primary weapon similar to that of a sniper rifle. Sparks has an immense skill ceiling, which is why the majority of players fail at doing well with her, but that doesn’t make her weak.

You should have seen her when she was released back in 2015, she was frankly said the definition of game breaking. More powerful than any of the other snipers at that time, the revifle caused a crazy amount of damage with no drop off penalty in place. Infact, the revive animation didn’t exist beforehand, it was added to combat her instant revives all across the map, they were just that ridiculous.

(HadronZodiac) #38

We arent talking about revivr we are talking about packs :slight_smile:

(Jigstraw) #39

You simply cannot judge a single element of a merc’s kit without considering the other elements that go into it.

It’s like saying nader sucks because you have to die to use martyrdom. That’s not only misleading, but outright moronic.

(Terminal_6) #40

I just tried playing Sparks again to see how she plays, because it’s been a while. My standard playstyle with her is to very rarely, if ever, heal teammates and just provide tons of charged rezzes. I can confirm it can still almost prop up an entirely useless team. Sparks’ power comes from her very mobile self-sustain and rez power/frequency. To be used properly, she demands more situational awareness than any other merc, hence the high skill ceiling. A player who can predict rezzes and have a near-full charge ready for someone the moment they drop can prop up a bunch of bads, no healing required.

Tuning the cooldown on her medpacks or their healing potency won’t affect her skill floor that much. Sure, you might be able to pitch medpacks to your team all the time or keep yourself alive forever, but that’s not what makes Sparks a good or unique merc.