WT a Gold Pristine KMA K121 for a Cobalt Pristine KMA M4A1

(CryonicArrow) #1

I actually have two of these k121 skins but I’m planing on keeping one of them.

(ThePigVomit) #2

I gotta be honest, I don’t know anyone that would 1v1 a gold for a cobalt…It just doesn’t make sense.

(CryonicArrow) #3

Eh I was hoping that somebody loved the k121 so much that they were willing to part with a cobalt skin for it. To be honest I’m just sick of opening weapon cases for that M4 skin.

(ThePigVomit) #4

I feel ya. RNJesus has smiled on me twice with a Hollunds and a crotzini. I do like the k121 and picked a scarred one up in a trade. Not sure it it’ll be around long as I have a deal in place for a gold M9 once a fellas mobile authentication waiting period is over.