Would you reallly miss execution game mode?

(TheStrangerous) #1

Imagine if SD decided to reincarnate execution maps into King of The Hill/Contorl Point/Turf War. And Execution is removed, because they do not want players earning too much daily credit bonus.

My response:

Be honest, would you REALLY miss it?

Sorry, no matter which online game it was and will be. To me, a game mode with life per round is torture.

(TheFluffyOne) #2

I’ll just guess those choices are ‘‘yes’’ and ‘‘no’’, and not to be take literally.

(SnakekillerX) #3

I like Execution just fine. There is no reason to remove game modes, it helps to capture players of different taste and hook them into the game.

People who think that all it does is split the community are wrong because the people who don’t end up playing Objective/Stopwatch and only play Execution are probably people who would have just stopped playing Dirty Bomb all together in favor of a game that better fits their style. This would be worse as it would reduce the player base of the game.

Just look at Unreal Tournament 1999, it had a ton of different game modes, and the player base was not hurt because of this, but thrived. Granted, there were also community made maps, and mods to help the game… but ultimately people want more choices not less. And just because you think Execution is bad/worthless doesn’t mean everyone else thinks that way…

Also please try to make better poll choices as it appears biased and does not encompass a proper range of choices.
Either I hate it, or It’s my bread and butter… and neither of these are true.

I’d rather have it then see it go however.

(LifeupOmega) #4

It’s tacked on and there’s so many other game modes they could have gone for that would work better with DB’s gameplay in mind.

(Corppet) #5

Execution is alright. The problem is Dirty Bomb’s low player count. Adding more game modes will split up the player base and cause low-quality matchmakings, such as longer queue times or unbalanced teams. Since Execution is the least interested and the least populated, I think it’s better to make it available from time to time, rather than permanently.

(Loafus) #6

The problem with execution is that it usually forces awkward encounters and constantly funnels the attack through chokes and tunnels. Meanwhile, if you had a game mode like KOTH or control points, you could have more open areas and fewer chokes required to go through in order to play the objective. A paced game mode like execution really doesn’t suit DB, so i

(Loafus) #7

The problem with execution is that it usually forces awkward encounters and constantly funnels the attack through chokes and tunnels. Meanwhile, if you had a game mode like KOTH or control points, you could have more open areas and fewer chokes required to go through in order to play the objective. A paced game mode like execution really doesn’t suit DB, so i

(Noblemight) #8

If there was no execution, they would not be more people playing other modes. There would just be fewer people playing this game. Cause if dirty bomb fails to give people execution, they will find it elsewhere.

(Cgz27) #9

Execution is fun, pretty sure no one said or truly believes it is the best mode or that it fits Dirty Bomb.
It provides a much needed change of pace for players to avoid burnout and being bored, and it still does reward good play even if you might not win no matter how good you are, but just like in Stopwatch its a team game and you aren’t gonna carry anyway unless you’re way above the rest.

Having these maps also improves flexibility through quick decision making and different dimensions of trick jumps, even discipline where it might be better to camp the sites rather than to run in mindlessly, etc.
I’m mainly an obj/sw kind of guy but I do appreciate Execution.

It remains to be seen if they can come up with a new mode that actually fits, just because the ideas sound good, doesn’t mean that they will always work out. SD has other things to worry about right now obviously.

(VincentRJaeger) #10

I’d miss the maps, but not the gamemode itself.

(TheStrangerous) #11


(Boory Marks) #12

@TheStrangerous said:


The Prophet

(Shenaynays) #13

Execution really isnt what dirty bomb was made for, the game is balanced around stopwatch. leaving execution in a state of being an add on. where things really are not balanced for it. IE Fraggar and Kira on market and pheonix in general.

imo the gamemode really felt forced into the game

(Chris_sleiman) #14

Never got the chance to try out execution mode

(Da_Mummy) #15

Just Yes would have been enough.
But actually it was a fun alternative where you actually had to think about using your abilities espacially as Skyhammer or Kira for example.
I didn’t play it that that much but for new players that come from CS or CoD or something like that it was a good way of getting into the game.