Would/could an AA-12 based weapon be balanced?

(Samniss_Arandeen) #1

Here’s an AA-12.

That’s a fully-automatic twelve-gauge shotgun with a twenty-round drum magazine. Load with any standard 12-gauge shell, and fire three hundred of said every minute.

Obviously the DPS of this weapon would be through the roof, and with a magazine reload, you don’t have to put every single shell in one by one, so it’s rather quickly back in the fight. This is most definitely an Assault merc weapon, and this Assault merc’s version of the LMG.

So could this weapon be balanced?

(NuclearBreadstick) #2

Probably not. Automatic shotguns in games are usually extremely op or really awful. They work sometimes in survival games by making them jam often, but more often than not, assault shotguns are extremely difficult to balance.

(cornJester) #3

You’d have to make it an easy to hit with peashooter. Pump actions in this game can take two or more shots to kill and this would clearly fire far faster. We don’t even have a semi auto shotgun. I’d love an auto shotty since they are exceptionally badass but I just don’t see it being possible for this game.

Maybe as an ability though!

(omegaskorpion) #4

Well there are simple ways, i have already suggested that AA-12 would be primary for my designed merc called Riot.

Now as my ideas are higly unlikely to be part of the game i will proceed to the topic.

The AA-12 could be balanced if the damage was low and fire rate would be highest among the shotguns.
Mag Size: 20
Damage: 40
ROF 200
Reload speed: 3s
Range: 10m

The damage and fire rate will make the dps 133. Its 4 lower than the Remburgh.
As the damage is 40 it would be divided by the amout of pellets.
It could be just like Ahnuld, very accurate and low spread with low damage and high fire rate.

Now if it would have high damage it would need high recoil and low accuracy but that would make no freaking sense as the AA-12 is almost recoilles thanks to the inbuild recoil absorbing mechanism.

But even with 5 more damage it would need to be heavy and slowdown merc more than otehr shotguns and even possibly only for mercs like fragger (but not fragger since it does not suit him, it would need completely new merc to fit in)

(XavienX) #5

It will need a high recoil and low damage per pellet.

(sentimentalDime) #6

For it to be balanced, in my opinion, in would need to have a lower DPS than the other pump action shotguns, maybe like 20 or 25 less than the lowest DPS pump action, the range should also be lower than your usual pump action shotgun, the upside to this weapon though, would be the higher RoF and therefor, it would be much more forgiving if you actually miss a shot, whereas missing a shot with the Remburg or Ahnuld can easily lead to you being killed, with this weapon you would carry on shooting without it being that much a deal. This would make it a much more noob-friendly weapon as opposed to the pump action shotguns that are more high risk-high reward.

(Samniss_Arandeen) #7

So, the K-121 of the shotgun world? Methinks this is how an auto shotgun would be balanced, against the LMGs instead of the other shotguns.

(neverplayseriou) #8

The k121 has low dmg? Lol

(Samniss_Arandeen) #9

It would if you divided each of its rounds into pellets.

(accomplishedPlume) #10

23 damage
4.6 damage per pellet
5 pellets per shot
300 fire rate
20 round mag
2.5 second reload speed
DPS of 115

Or option number two

30 damage
2 damage per pellet
15 pellets per shot
300 fire rate
8 round mag (yes those exist IRL look it up)
1.8 second reload speed
DPS of 150
the drawback is you only get a MAX of 240 damage out of you clip and it has higher bullet spread and more pellets per shot

(Sir_Slam) #11

As an ability. Get in, drop 15 rounds to clear the hallway, take objective. Walking around with an auto shotty would really screw around with game balance, especially when the current shotguns are already in such a weird place.

(DB Genome editor) #12


If it was introduced, it should not have be balanced against existing shotguns or LMGs but against something like Nader’s GL or Rhino’s minigun. Think about that scene from The Expendables: 10 sec of glorious carnage if you use it at the right time and the right place B)

(Grave_Knight) #13

Rather have the Saiga-12 with a 10 round box magazine.

(Amerika) #14

I’ve said it in another thread but the USAS-12 from the game Soldier of Fortune 2 had one of the scariest sounds ever. Despite the gun being rather weak for multiplayer (video is single player) it would still wake you up super fast.

(gg2ez) #15

Given it had a massive bullet spread and ungodly recoil - yes.

(scavazzi4) #16

I’ll throw some numbers here
30 damage (5 damage x 6 pellets)
260 RPM
Range 550/1100 (damage drop-off distance)
14 magazine size (damage per mag of 420)
Slightly wider spread than remburg.
Recoil is not a thing in this game so i don’t see why should this gun have it.
I’d like too see some sort of semi-auto or full-auto shotgun in this game but i’m not sure if they would work well on combat mercs.

(Grave_Knight) #17

[quote=“scavazzi4;89375”]Recoil is not a thing in this game so i don’t see why should this gun have it.[/quote]…try using the Grandeur and tell me recoil is not a thing. Or for that matter the K-121 (Timik is also as bad).

(Mr-Penguin) #18

I posted a merc idea with a full auto shotgun as an ability weapon over in the Merc and Skin Suggestions section. Basically, the shotgun holds up to 10 shells at a time, fires at 150 RPM, and regens 1 shell every 2 seconds. To compensate for that, the character can only use machine pistols for primaries.

Balanced or not?

(Rosenkreuz) #19

[quote=“derpypenguinz19;89648”]I posted a merc idea with a full auto shotgun as an ability weapon over in the Merc and Skin Suggestions section. Basically, the shotgun holds up to 10 shells at a time, fires at 150 RPM, and regens 1 shell every 2 seconds. To compensate for that, the character can only use machine pistols for primaries.

Balanced or not?[/quote]

Also depends on its effective range and pellet spread of the auto-shotgun. Do you have those figured out? I’d say that it’s balanced if it was slightly lower than that of the Ahnuhld.

(Mr-Penguin) #20

[quote=“Rosenkreuz;90146”][quote=“derpypenguinz19;89648”]I posted a merc idea with a full auto shotgun as an ability weapon over in the Merc and Skin Suggestions section. Basically, the shotgun holds up to 10 shells at a time, fires at 150 RPM, and regens 1 shell every 2 seconds. To compensate for that, the character can only use machine pistols for primaries.

Balanced or not?[/quote]

Also depends on its effective range and pellet spread of the auto-shotgun. Do you have those figured out? I’d say that it’s balanced if it was slightly lower than that of the Ahnuhld. [/quote]

The range would probably be have to be between that of the Anhuld and the Hollunds. As for the spread, it would probably be the same as the Anhuld, considering that it’s a full-auto combat shotgun.