Worst perk suggestions

(BlackboltLW) #21

@CyberVonCyberus said:

Sensitive Eyes: Concussion grenades are 100% brighter and last 200% longer

You mean this is not a thing currently? :’))))

(CyberVonCyberus) #22

well sadly they nerfed the concussion grenades Brightness during the summer squash and it’s now more greyish than pure white

(AlbinMatt) #23

Not exactly detrimental perks, but thought these would be kinda fun

Blitzkrieg: When sprinting, confer +20% accuracy but have recoil kick faster by +33%, and disengaging sprint takes 10 seconds before you actually stop. Directly colliding with another merc friendly or otherwise, they will be knocked down and must be revived, but take no damage.

Possession: (Phoenix only) When self-revive is available, you may take on the viewpoint of an enemy, and transfer your soul to them, which will take 10 seconds (provided you aren’t gibbed). Once successful, you take on the body (thus the abilities) of the possessed merc, and the enemy’s soul is transferred to your dying body.

Necrotic Opportunism: For every teammate dead, gain +50 health and +20% sprint speed.

Guilt: For every enemy killed, your sprint speed is penalized by -33% and your accuracy is decreased by -10% up to 50%.

Fortified Sentry: (Rhino only) For every teammate near a 10 m radius of you, recieve a movement penalty of -10%, but have your ninigun gain +20% longer operation time before overheating.

Eggs of the Fatherland: (Nader only) All Lactic 40 grenades emit mustard gas that damages indiscriminately for 5 dmg/s at a 2m radius.

Demolidendron: All explosives deal environmental damge.

(SnakekillerX) #24


@Eox said:

@Szakalot said:

  • Syphilis: Your ammo packs now deal 20damage upon direct hit.

I would actually play that, to do ammo pack frags or kill our own team’s liabilities.

That would actually be the best thing ever.

I wish SD would do some of these silly things for April fools, imagine all the fun that we could have.

Yes, having cards with negative effects on them would be pretty funny for April Fools… and would even serve to both challenge yourself and humiliate the enemy while using them.

For them to not be completely pointless though, they should have some sortof non combat benefit, like… 10% more credits earned for every minute spent with that card on.

(Bestfinlandball) #25

@Lord_Coctus said:

  • Stalked: If there a Thunder while you’re a medic or Aimee while you’re Proxy, you will have random jumpscares and see things that aren’t there.

While you’re medic or Aimee while you’re Proxy.
What? :smiley:

(Reddeadcap) #26

@Bestfinlandball said:

@Lord_Coctus said:

  • Stalked: If there a Thunder while you’re a medic or Aimee while you’re Proxy, you will have random jumpscares and see things that aren’t there.

While you’re medic or Aimee while you’re Proxy.
What? :smiley:

Some of Thunder’s line for medics sound really clingy and Aimee took Proxy’s eye in the rogue en vogue event, hence her new eye in the shellshock event.

(Bestfinlandball) #27

@Reddeadcap said:

@Bestfinlandball said:

@Lord_Coctus said:

  • Stalked: If there a Thunder while you’re a medic or Aimee while you’re Proxy, you will have random jumpscares and see things that aren’t there.

While you’re medic or Aimee while you’re Proxy.
What? :smiley:

Some of Thunder’s line for medics sound really clingy and Aimee took Proxy’s eye in the rogue en vogue event, hence her new eye in the shellshock event.

Ah, i get it, the combination of slightly broken English and me not being a native speaker i interpreted it wrong.

(Max Plite) #28

What about:

Handicapped Cutthroat: Each time you miss enemy with your melee you take damage instead

Russian Deserter: If you walk back away from objective you are instantly shot in the head by Rhino with russian fur cap.

Once Mistaken Saper: You can’t arm/defuse/repair objectives even if you are Engineer.

Disrecpected Healer: If enemy kills you he can T-bag your body to heal himself.

Bad Driver: If you are Attacker and near EV you push it backwards instead of forwards.

Sniper Squad: Forces whole your team to be Vassili only.

Hasty Team Player: Force you to use your abilities always when they are ready to use.

Competetive Walking: You can only walk, if you run or stop walking even for a moment you insantly die.

Spike Walls: Everytime you touch wall/object/prop you take 20 damage (not applying for floor of course)

On The View: Enemies can always see your player-model even trough walls (wall-hack)

Drunk Warrior: Inverts your X and Y mouse looking and also your WASD movement keys.

Marshmallow Shooter: Your gun shoots marshmallows that deal no damage, you shoot only to annoy enemy.

Noob Caller: Each time you die game automatically writes in chat “u stoopid nub u hax and i haav lag” as you.

Exploding Boomerang: Each time you throw explosive after 2 seconds it comes back and explodes in your face.

Neon Deathwish: You have big, shiny banner “SHOOT ME IM HERE!” over your head.

Its The Real Life: You have only 1 life and if you die you are instantly kicked from server.

Retro Gamer: Switches your resolution to 800x600 and visual options to the lowest possible.

Kill Me: Randomly kills you… because why not.

Scrub: Your player model is Scrub from Dirty Bomb trailer, you have 50HP and 300 speed and have no abilities and Phantoms always insta-kill you.

(brian770) #29

gravity grenade: removes ability to jump or run for 15 seconds.
Yahtzee grenade: randomizes all mouse/keyboard commands for 10 seconds.

(hawkeyeguy99) #30

New here: roster is limited to only Vasilli and Proxy

(Your worst knifemare.) #31

@Bestfinlandball said:

@Reddeadcap said:

@Bestfinlandball said:

@Lord_Coctus said:

  • Stalked: If there a Thunder while you’re a medic or Aimee while you’re Proxy, you will have random jumpscares and see things that aren’t there.

While you’re medic or Aimee while you’re Proxy.
What? :smiley:

Some of Thunder’s line for medics sound really clingy and Aimee took Proxy’s eye in the rogue en vogue event, hence her new eye in the shellshock event.

Ah, i get it, the combination of slightly broken English and me not being a native speaker i interpreted it wrong.

I didn’t think i said it that bad.