
(tinker) #1

Hey guys and girls.

I just thought that the game misses just 1 (which turns out to be more then 1) thing.

Image a hardcore gamer: max-level, all single-player maps(even expansions) with 3 stars,having 20 running maps but yet no answer… what should he do?

The game misses something - maybe also for single-player (offline) - that makes fun is hard and has no ending.
A costum-game would be one idea- where you can make up your own match vs an AI.

another idea would be an online quick-time-play -> where you may run 1 game and have for example only 1minute to answer your enemy - and stay in the game for the whole time
you have action, fun - it needs skill and you do not get bored from waiting for the enemy.

something else could be a game/character marathon - where you have to compede with the same team(or single character) over and over again vs either harder enemys or without health-reset.

Something else could be ( maybe even together with one of the above) a gambling or so - where you get random items for either money or e.g. for winning hard challenges.
people could earn special things from that.

you could also rise the max-game number from 20 to 25 or even 30 - the probability of getting someone that does not answer is far smaller .

a last thing that i think fits into the game
daily mission(s) - having daily missions with extra-money or something.

I just do not like the idea of an ending or boring part because you made a lot before. or get into a gridlock where you HAVE to wait for the oponent.

that is my opinion
what do you think?

with friendly regards