
(acQu) #21

Was cycling between Aliens and WW2 now many times actually (looking at it that way), i remember Wolf3d (WW2) -> Doom, Quake (Aliens) -> Then again Rtcw, W:ET (WW2, paranormal, monsters) -> ET Quake Wars (Aliens again) -> Brink (modern warfare … ups, i think that doesn’t belong here) -> then again Wolf 2009 (paranormal, blub, monsters, nazis, all that stuff) -> and now this, looking to make robots, i wonder how the paranormal stuff will come in though, because otherwise it would not fit in the storyline of wolfenstein imo.

I also admit, the concept looks interesting, playing in an alternative world where zi germans have won zi war. Actually pretty kewl that they would have robots in 60s already :smiley: But well, let’s see. I sure will not run into stores and just buy blindly with only seeing some trailers (like i did with Wolf 2009). I will take playthroughs into account mainly. I actually yesterday watched the chronicles of riddick, the game the company making this game did before. Has definitely some interesting elements in it. EDIT oh yeah and the Darkness was also done by peeps of this company.

But i guess without id having truly their hands on this it will be just something with great graphics but the feeling will not be there. Have actually no hope that we will ever see something like the old wolf series again (gameplay-wise and that good old arcade feeling) …

(zbzero) #22

NO MP for the new Wolfenstein :frowning:

(ronboy) #23

Now this is why I didn’t get my hopes up too much when I heard this game was announced. I had a feeling they would just make another Wolf 2009 clone, if not worse, and I was right.

I don’t play mp, but without it, and especially a sdk, this game won’t last long at all. Such a shame ID would let other companies do these horrific things to the Wolfenstein series.

(woll3) #24

Seriously, the Decision makers at Zenimax should get fired, good thing SD isnt with them anymore.

(.Chris.) #25

How is this another Wolf 2009 clone? I seem to have missed all the other ones? Whilst no MP is a shame it’s hardly horrific, they can still make a great SP game with this and the developers who are working on it have had some success with SP in past it would appear and might be able to come up with some nice ideas.

The interview with the developers is quite interesting.

(woll3) #26

No matter how good a SP is, you just dont have the same amount of time and fun with it, not to mention that this is wasted potential.

(acQu) #27

The interview is indeed very interesting, thanks for the link. I totally agree when it was said that the story setting allows just for so much freedom in the design (really this affects nearly everything). Most MP FPS games in contrary have a very limiting setting. Sure that also has todo with SP vs MP a bit, because you can do really much more in SP compared to MP it seems. MP is mostly tends to dump down the overall game because of balance, sometimes this is fun, sometimes not so much and just restricting.

So, comparing a bit to other titles: MP balancing reducing the game to just shooting + a very limited story line and a modern setting, maybe even restricted to just one city :slight_smile: vs SP bling bling OP stuff + good story setting. Which one you choose :slight_smile:

(EnderWiggin.DA.) #28

Not just one city.

Finally, though Wolfenstein focuses primarily on action, you’ll be exploring and solving puzzles in various international locales. Specifically mentioned are Polish mountains, and the Berlin catacombs.

(montheponies) #29

err both?

Which is why you sometimes see the SP and MP being developed by different studios (like Gray Matter SP RTCW, Nerve MP RTCW). The general assets can be shared between, but the game can be completely different.

I bought and enjoyed Rage, total time played 12hrs. Never to be touched again. Agree with woll3 the lack of MP is such a wasted opportunity to make something of the legacy from RTCW. Real shame.

(acQu) #30

Small misunderstanding here. I didn’t mean the new Wolf Game here, but was refering to mostly MP modern warfare shooters. Basically i was just saying what the guy in the interview said and my point here was that story/setting is way too underestimated in MP game studios. The story/setting influences everything. If you limit yourself to just one city, then lol, this is like putting yourself a straitjacket on. That was the point i am trying to bring across. Maybe a bit too insiderish, because i am not allowed to get concrete :slight_smile:

(woll3) #31

Even Rage with its movement possibilites had potential in that regard, not to mention it could have been even more with mods. The decision to not include an mp in a game that has coop is just, tbh theres no word to describe the level of stupidity, and the same goes for the new Wolfenstein for not including the one thing that has made it popular. Its like they are trying to ruin some things on purpose.

(ronboy) #32

I must say that the sp portion of Rtcw was well rated and has been remembered for years, especially since Rtcw had a (unofficial) sdk for both sp and mp. Maps, mods, and many other goodies could be made for both game modes, which made it a success. I should know since I still work on mission packs for sp. :slight_smile:

About Wolfenstein The New Failure, I said this game won’t make it far because if they refuse to release a sdk, and no mp available, the game will die off quickly.

(Mateos) #33

I like the shortcuts some people take, comparing the old to the new, and if something’s different or missing it is a fail. And without having even seen any gameplay or else.

(FFSturm) #34

Please, watch the videos again and listen to them correctly.

Fast Paced Action, Huge arsenal of weapons, A more adventure centered concept. HD graphics. Long game. (not like COD)
Based on both WOLF3D and RTCW. (no wolf09 mention!!!)

Seriously, just think that this game is a experiment with the series. If it has awesome gameplay, story, plus a huge awesome critics and sells well, you can expect a MP in the future.

The series were ruined in 2009. It’s the only way to save them nowadays.

IMO, it’s a smart choice.

It would be hard to surpass RTCW quality mp,. Just give them an opportunity with the SP, it looks mindblowing.

Again, they made Riddick and Darkness. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MachineGames

These were top SP games.

(Dragonji) #35

It’s funny how people can judge something while having no knowledge about it. No MP doesn’t mean the game has to be bad. Just to mention for example Stalker or Metro…

PS. You remember that the first Wolfenstein didn’t have MP too, do you?

(ronboy) #36

This game has, from what I’ve seen, left the WWII scene for the most part. (In the 1960’s, really?) Next they might make a game set in modern time vs terrorists.
You can’t have a Wolfenstein game without the WWII background. It’s just not right. Plus this looks too similar to not COD, but rather Halo, Bioshock, or some other fps with robots and futuristic nonsense. I bet BJ will once again play the role of Captain America, just like he did in Wolf 2009.

(EnderWiggin.DA.) #37

My take is they (Bethesda) just don’t know what to do with the IP. They bought id and obviously want to make some money but they have no idea if Wolfenstein is still relevant from a business standpoint. Wolfenstein 2009 didn’t exactly resonate with gamers. The last GOOD Wolfenstein SP game came out in 2001 and nobody really remembers that was GOTY. Therefore, they focus on the SP aspect to avoid spending money on MP development and see if it sells.
Personally SP games are steam $5 bargain games for me. No reason to rush out and buy a SP only game if when there is no MP community to join. It plays the same if you pay $50 or if you pay $5 at Christmas. All you have to avoid are the spoilers.

(Mateos) #38

If they did not know what to do with it, they wouldn’t have think about making a new one in the series (And paying for making it). I think :slight_smile:

(ronboy) #39

Exactly. Gray Matter Studios were the geniuses behind Rtcw Sp. It would make sense that an entirely new company would take the series in a (in this case) completley different direction. Those are my final words on this game, but I’ll still visit this thread because I enjoy debating with people. :slight_smile:

(.Chris.) #40

Seems Machinegames know exactly what they want to do with it. They come across as very passionate about the game and are pleased to be allowed the chance to do something with the IP. I still don’t understand where some of you draw the line between what is acceptable in a Wolfenstein game and what isn’t.

Seems legit.

The material I’ve seen so far doesn’t look that far removed from what we’ve seen in previous games, just more advanced. The idea that one of the Nazi’s crazy ideas actually paid off and led them to win the war is quite interesting, I’m keen to see how they won and how the opposition whoever they may be manage to fight back after all these years.