Wolfenstein: Movie (RUS)

(Eugeny) #1

“Medal for Return to Castle Wolfenstein”

A resident of the orthodox city of Vladivostok, Alexander Timchenko for six godkov - from 2005 to 2011 - almost single-pile cartoon about the adventures of an amateur of the ancient games and amateur Tim ancient tombs of Lara Croft. Unlike most home-grown artists, the work completed successfully. His hour and a half cartoon can be austere, free watch online. And, if you’re familiar with was announced mega-hit second half of the nineties show will take, I guarantee it!

Alexander Timchenko - of course, no studio Pixar. Unpretentious character models, animated unpretentious voice: irreproachable. On the other hand, the heroes of the game at the time seemed right! And where one sees the technical imperfections, the other joy in sensible styling. Take a look:



(vicpas) #2

HD copy: http://narod.ru/disk/6667237001/Medal_for_return_582.avi.html or http://www.rtcwmap.de/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=73&func=fileinfo&id=2161

Video with subtitles(ENG): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgEfM94rKuM
Video with subtitles(POR_BR): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shkCxtahGcE
Video with subtitles(DEUTSCHE): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOylFsBw-ZM

(colvin3001) #3

hi, vicpas
could you link some more movies like this
thank you

(vicpas) #4

Hello, colvin3001.
Unhappily i have this only one, but you can watch many things about RTCW on YouTube.

(taw_m0nsta) #5

Bravo! Awesome video!

(vicpas) #6

Page about this video: http://tv-games.ru/wiki/Interview/AlexandrTim4enko.html
Would be better to have an English version.

(ronboy) #7

Medal for Return now has a version with English subtitles! You can watch it on my website here: https://goo.gl/pOeQ5j

(ronboy) #8

A new Wolfenstein fan movie called Wolfenstein: Liberation of London was uploaded recently! You can watch it on my website here: https://goo.gl/XCZaN7