Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Anniversary Competition

(Crytiqal) #21

Can’t we push the deadline a little? Tomorrow I go to my parents’ house and I can check if I still have some old backups :>

I remember the first time ever I played ET.

Some classmates told me about the game and so I downloaded my first ever (online) fps that day.
First map ever, fueldump =)

I joined when the tank was already in the tunnel. Jeez my memory :smiley:

I think 2 months later I actually got out to buy RtCW (didn’t know about it before) to see where this all was coming from.

Or that moment where I typed www.enemyterritory.com in the browser and stumbled on “wtf is this new game omfg awesome etqw” xD But that’s a diff story.

God I loved playing mml_minastirith_fp3 too. Jaymod triplejumping all the way from the backtower to the axis spawnbase with the objective to run it all the way up. They never knew what hit them :smiley: Good times <3

(WuTangH) #22

Ive found in my folder this giant field op…
Actually hes not giant, but is in air in front of camera… It happend when I freezed a player holding tanks MG heh…

(stealth6) #23

Best Oasis gun defence:

(stealth6) #25

[QUOTE=phisherman;529752]For me, there’s no such thing as the one ET moment. It’s the entirety of the time I spent with this game, being a bored teenager struggling with puberty, doing my best to avoid my parents and their idea of how my life should work.

I remember the first time I laid eyes on WolfET, I found it as a give-away in the freeware section of a friend’s PC ACTION magazine disc back when I was 14 or 15. PC ACTION was a german gaming magazine which, like so many other great projects, has not managed to survive until today.[/QUOTE]

Lol reminds me how bad I was with computers when I first started playing WolfET. When I booted up the game I just got a black screen and through some googling found out that this was probably a resolution problem. So I went down to the basement and grabbed a CRT screen and plugged that in instead. Then I could see the main menu (kindof it was still all messed up for some reason) then I navigated to options and changed the resolution, swapped screen again and voila done! So effective that I kept doing that every time I played because it kept reverting back to the old settings when I quit the game.
If only I’d have known about startup parameters & configs…

I’ve actually gone back to read some of my old posts and it’s funny to see how much I’ve changed - or in some cases haven’t :smiley:

(KeMoN) #26

In my ET career, the time I discovered the possibilities of editing the game and primarily in terms of creating custom maps for it, was the best I can remember. The highlight of it being the beta 1 release of Dingenskirchen, which I created together with phisherman.

I always enjoyed the atmosphere of this game and playing within its unique characteristics, however I sadly have to agree with the points above and add ‘rambo-medics’ and ‘K/D focused players’ to that list.

Ever since discovering mapping for this game I had 3 installations, one for playing, one for mapping and one clean one for testing these maps. Admittedly the one for playing is collecting dust more than anything these days. However I also had the joy of adding a 4th installation to my collection when I discovered ET: Legacy. Since then I discovered the endless possibilities of Adobe Photoshop and the good nature of the game for, against all logic and its history of coming up with impressively creative error-messages, allowing to replace 256x256 textures with 2048x2048 ones without even batting an eyelid.
I haven’t been playing the game for quite some time now, except for the single matches where I stalked on splatterladder to see who is online and in what constellation, in order to know if I should actually join or rather enjoy the moment of nostalgia in my head and avoid frustration. However avoiding spoiling the nostalgia by carelessly joining a random server, (“randomly” including a thorough check on splatterladder!) I still enjoy the possibilities this game grants its people and so I’ll continue creating maps and textures for the, in my eyes, last stepstone for ET into the future and maybe resurrection of some of its old glory.
If ET and its community decide to also let this final attempt scatter in the wind then I’m sorry to say it, but it’s facing the same future as the Return to castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer, which technically isn’t dead, because there are still people playing it, but it isn’t alive either.

I have seen many good people come and especially in the last few years go, but I am truely thankful for all the good moments I had in this game and the conversations with people around the globe in similar situations like me.

This community and game were a significant part of growing up, thank you all!


(Saadi) #27

Once on Kernwaffe Servers… my contribution :wink:

(Teuthis) #28

Best Moments in ET, that’s a Long History that started actually with unpacking my 2002 RTCW GOTY Edition One Year before ET came out. I was amazed by the Multiplayer and the WolfRadiant and thus started to drop my First caulk Brushes. I soon realized that I need to wait Till smarter Folks Wrote some Tutorials since Most Stuff was damn complicated. While learning to Map i then concentrated on Playing, joined a Clan, played Almost every Day for years. Then over the years I played less and less, Mainly because all Friends from the Clan dropped out because of Family. I continued to Play Here and there but Never stopped developing my Mapping skills. Nowadays i Play occasionally but still map quite a Lot. With two teuthonia Maps Out there I think I can say that my best Moments are probably when I see That Folks Are Really Playing the Stuff I released. The Rest is history :wink:

(Tardis) #29

I know its One day Late but I don’t care if I don’t win Just wanted to add my best moment of ET -
Is having fun nights like this video sat at home home nothing on the
TV sat in the cold with nothing better to do so

  • “Yeah , Right , like you have nothing better to do” -
    So Game on with ET :wink:

Just a Friendly match with friends that we have come to know over the years thanks to the ET community that has kept on going.

Made on 5 Sep 2011


(Milardo) #30

Hi, just wondering who won?

(Destroy666) #31

Well, if we can still submit even though it’s theoretically over - this would be my favorite moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeWOKBOEpj4 It has to be one of the luckiest shots in the competitive gaming history. Not much to do with me though, except that I had a chance to watch it live.

Another great moment - when I learned that one of my clanmates from a sniper-only server was in fact over 60 years old. Couldn’t believe that someone that old plays such a dynamic game until he posted a photo, even though his gameplay style looked quite “old school” indeed - he always waited and sought a good spot patiently, even if that meant waiting 5 minutes to get one kill. A “real” sniper as one could say, not a modern quickscoper running all over the map.