I have an idea to mix RTCW and a game called Homeworld together to make a great 1st person sci-fi thriller, but i can hardly script, nevermind make a game!
You see abouve, well im wondering if I could make this reallity. Wolfenstein - Alienated is a game i have thought about making for a long time, but now i have decided to try my best and have a go at making it, i will need help though so i have a few people in mind who i think chould help me!
Mappers - Mappers wil be making everything that the player will feel and touch, you know, and maby some scripting with the moders if thay are willing!
Moders - Modders will help with the script for it if we can get any, also if any splash damage people have any spare time and could lend a hand that would be cool too!
Artists - Textures and stuff, its all in the textures, also making the artwork that will be shown on the actual main menu and stuff!
Ok thats all that will be needed, this will be one M A S S I V E mapping project, here is everything else you will need to know
Story - There are an Alien race called Makwe (pronounced Mak-we). There planet has blown up because of a supernova, thay have placed all there recourses in one place until thay find another planet. Then the other race the Fubuka (pronouces Fo-bu-sha) take advantage of this and attack, the battle is bloody and there isnt mutch left, when you come back from a ship test you see the base were everything is is destroyed ther is one damaged ship wit someone on board, he tells you what happened and then the journey continues to find something that you must use to figh back and find your coloneys!
Profits - Depending on how good the end result is will depend weather we release it on CD or just make a free download, it will probably be a free download!
Plans - If i get enough support i will start making serious plans as to what will happen in the game, i have the main story layout but untili know that this tast will have anough support, i wont do very mutch!
Please e-mail me if you think you could help!