WIP co-op map + textures

(subverse) #1

Just a couple screenshots from a co-op map I’m working on. I made all the map objects and textures, monsters by Id :wink: I’m not much of a mapper. Mostly focused on texturing at the moment while I figure out a proper co-op layout & better learn D3edit. Comments? Critiques?

The map will start with 2 teams of 2 in separate areas, fighting their way to a central area where all 4 players meet up and move forward together.

Here are some of the textures I made for this map:

(JMW) #2

hmm, I dont see any pics…


(swelt) #3

I do.

First shot looks OK, if a little plain perhaps (the floor texture looks a bit odd). Second shot looks a little busy- lots of different looking textures. Generally the textures look OK, if not on the same standard as the stock textures.

(DumpTruck) #4

Your textures are looking pretty good. I love the bumpy pipe textures. Must have been a lot of work. One thing is they seem to be over lit. Less is more when it comes to lighting. I agree that the floor in the fist pic seems odd. Maybe it’s scaled up to big and too uniform in appearance. Good luck with the rest of you work.