wiki error: surfaceparm

(eiM) #1


just noticed that there is a tiny error in the W:ET Editing wiki on the surfaceparm page:

Atleast when I compile with q3map2 2.5.16 and play on ET 2.60b surfaceparms are only working wihtout those spaces.

So e.g. grass steps should be grasssteps etc


(eiM) #2

push topic :smiley:

(badman) #3

Thanks for raising this. Is this something that changed in 2.60 or does this affect earlier versions as well?

(Detoeni) #4

its been grasssteps since it was added to rtcw

(eiM) #5

i see there was much progress :stuck_out_tongue:

(ischbinz) #6

ha nearly 1 year later - still no change