Why not have pre-made squads?

(K1X455) #1

We have merc decks where we mix and match loadouts, trinkets and skins to customise our mercs, why not have a 3 merc squad lineup for easy picks on a map we join?

Things like:

:slightly_smiling_face: 1 Medic, 1 Fire Support, 1 Objective Specialist for flex players
:fu:t4: Phantom, Hunter, Vassili if you’re joining a team of noobs and you want to be playing as noob as they are
:heart_eyes: Sparks, Sawbonez/Phoenix and Aura if you’re all about healing and reviving
:rage: Stoker, Kira & Arty if you have to ensure that the EV gets hurt

(Mustang) #2

Yea this would be really handy, i often dont bother changing mercs because it’s too much effort to change them for one map, then change them back for the next map.

I guess it wouldn’t be implemented anytime soon though, as “priorities”.

(K1X455) #3

One of those ez pz quality of life upgrades like Mike McScrub.

(DarkangelUK) #4

I asked for this quite a while ago, I’m sure it was filed under “nice to have” but no a priority as Mustang said… tbh I wouldn’t expect it any time soon.

(K1X455) #5

One of the downsides of this besides having a pre-made set of squad when joining is that it is marginally effective on Objective mode servers cause you don’t know which side you’ll be placed. The upside of having pre-made squads is basically for competitive setups where you know the map being played and changing the lineup of the squad based on merc bans can be done quite quickly. So this isn’t a casual thing but something for competitive playing.