Why is the drop rate on Loadout cases so low?

(Jigstraw) #1

I get one out of maybe every 8-12 in game hours, or 10-14 hours spent playing in realtime. That’s absurd.

Loadout cases should be the primary way new players get to try different loadouts/weapons/augments/etc, because they need to be saving their credits for new mercs.

Another argument for bumping that drop rate up, is you already removed cobalts from loadout cases, there’s absolutely no reason it should be as low as it is.

on a slightly related note, i really wish you could get the equivalent of a silver from fragment cases, instead of limiting them to only lead/iron/bronze equivalents.

(Your worst knifemare.) #2

I support increasing loadout drop-rate even if they lowered the fragment rates.

(Press E) #3

I think the idea was to get people to craft the cards they want, since the droprate for loadout cases got reduced in with the fragment case rework as well (I think, my memory is bad so sorry if this is incorrect). That way I guess the reasoning is that you can craft loadouts for the merc you actually want, rather than getting 50 rhino cards. I’m just listing SD’s most likely reasoning, and in that regard I guess it’s not really that bad, but I agree with you, I preferred the previous system.

At least with the old system if I got 50 rhino cards, it might encourage me to expand my horizons and try out a new merc. It’s also far more satisfying to get a loadout over fragments, and in a way it also helps to familiarize people with what loadouts are available for a certain merc

(AlbinMatt) #4

In all honesty, they really bungled up the drops by adding Fragment cases. Loadout cards are still the best source of fragments. Before a few months ago, they were the only source of Fragments of which use is simply to make other loadouts.

It was a self contained system that makes you consider when to burn and make cards, but now whenever you come into your inventory, you’ll find hundreds of Fragments from who-knows-where yet no loadouts to show for your effort.

Get rid of Fragment drops from regular matches and bump loadout cases a bit. Knock down Bronze value if you must.