why is only

(brbrbr) #1

“XBOX communite…rest nonsense” sub-branch exist and no “PS3 community” or “Steam community” and etc and etc exist.
just curious/no offense.

(Nail) #2

Xbox people are the only ones who care about that stuff



(brbrbr) #3

[QUOTE=Nail;268196]Xbox people are the only ones who care about that stuff



but nobody care about “Xbox people”, seems.
so its not point, actually.

(Dthy) #4

Xbox communities are to mainstream, their are PS3 communities, but you’ve probably never heard of them

(DarkangelUK) #5

Because xbox is popular among the SD chaps, and it’s their website :wink:

(brbrbr) #6

blasphermy !! nonsense !!!
XBox==Microsoft proprietary stuff.