Why i love loadout events

(Bubameyang) #1

The main reason why i like loadout events in the fact that you get skin on weapon in FULL QUALITY.

But now, when we have weapon cases chance to get good looking skin is one in a hundred. Every weapon skin I have is scratched. I wish more people appeal on this.

I really thought that weapon skin system will look and work better. :unamused:

(Press E) #2

It won’t be much of an issue when weapon skin polishing is added, but honestly idk why it’s taking so long, it shouldn’t be too complicated. It should have been added when weapon skins were released tbh

(HadronZodiac) #3

Yep, they just added scarring to rake in more cash (only thing they are capable of doing), they just want to juice as much out of that before they add it

(ThePigVomit) #4

"Copied from elsewhere, still relevant "polishing as a progression path for those whom have already got all the mercs, cards, and trinkets they wish to acquire.

I’ve got scarred skins that I want to make pretty, skins for weapons I’ll never use. Don’t tell me to recycle them, as I’ve got 350k in fragments that I can do nothing with already.

It makes no logical sense to trade something if I don’t know what it will cost to make it pretty.


(Nail) #5

latest vid says it ain’t happening, no refining weapon cards, tradeups aren’t out though

(DB Genome editor) #6

I was really sad when I heard that. We need a way to progress weapon skins, so let’s hope we’ll at least get trade-ups. Recycling doesn’t help if all you get are fragments you can only use to craft standard loadout cards (which in turn can’t be traded and are effectively a dead end). And trading doesn’t help either because no one will want to trade for your crappy scarred Bronze skins unless they can be used as part of a progression system.

The TF2 economy works so well because everything has value: even the trashiest drop gets you one step closer to the next item you want because with enough trash you can make gold (well, Refined Metal) and eventually craft something of value to trade or use it as currency to “buy” what you want. In DB, trash is trash: until you can recycle bad weapons skins and Special Edition loadouts for at least a decent chance at something better, you’ll never be able to trade a pile of bad ones for a good one, and there will never be a proper “sink” for the trashy stuff that keeps appearing in the economy.

(ThePigVomit) #7

They didn’t say it wasn’t happening. Just that trading was the focus

(Ptiloui) #8

Honestly, I don’t think anyone would be interested in a bronze scarred skin. that’s litterrally the worst thing and in the same time the most easiest thing you can get from a case.

We definitely need a polishing or a trade-up system for those low tier skins to be worth trading. In that way, even scarred shit could be traded if someone need them to trade them up.

(Nail) #9

no, they decided to “focus on trading RATHER than adding this feature to the game”

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #10

(Press E) #11

Doesn’t mean we won’t see it after steam trading, so it’s still hardly a “not happening” by itself. SD has done this before too, they’ve put lots of things on hold to work on other features. Doesn’t mean it’s never coming. Hell, just look at things like Turtle or Dockyard

Also worth noting that SD’s dev update videos never use the best wording ever, and it’s created a lot of confusion in the past, so I wouldn’t necessarily highlight their choice of wording unless it was as blatant as “no”

(Nail) #12

I find the wording quite adequate, but believe what you like

btw, we knew about Turtle in Alpha