Why change the respawn time?

(FunkyMonk3y) #1

I remember way back when, when the respawn time change depending on the number of players in game. Where the respawn time increases when more people join the game. So why make the respawn time 24 seconds when theres only 4 people playing in game? Why change it?

(GatoCommodore) #2

really? isnt all respawn time the same?
maybe you just died on long respawn.

you can have 6sec respawn time if you die before respawn timer resets

(Melinder) #3

Objective Mode’s respawn times will change depending on the amount of players in the server, Stopwatch is static at 24 seconds.

(Press E) #4

@Melinder said:
Objective Mode’s respawn times will change depending on the amount of players in the server, Stopwatch is static at 24 seconds.

Honestly I don’t know why SW’s spawntimer isn’t the same. It just gets boring as hell waiting for a long timer if you happen to wipe a 2 man team.
SW can already be boring as hell as it is, not sure why SD decided to keep it that way, lol

(Eox) #5

@FunkyMonk3y said:
I remember way back when, when the respawn time change depending on the number of players in game. Where the respawn time increases when more people join the game. So why make the respawn time 24 seconds when theres only 4 people playing in game? Why change it?

Was that mentionned in the patch notes ? If not, you might want to report it as a bug.

(Smooth) #6

In Objective Mode we allow players to jump in and jump out and in the server browser we also support a variety of team sizes.

Both of these result in variations in player count on the teams. By compensating for this with changes to spawn times, we can keep the action flowing with a quick spawn time and low number of players, but also prevent the game from getting too crowded and spammy by having longer spawn times when team sizes climb up.

It also serves as a method of compensating for imbalanced teams, when you are a player down, you’ll respawn faster and can get back in the action sooner.

This scaling only exists in Objective Mode (and has for well over a year) which is designed to be a drop-in / drop-out mode. In Stopwatch Mode, which is much more competitive, we have fixed 25s spawn times.

(Mc1412013) #7

Holy crap did a developer post in the forums. Wow im amazed all thw sd posts this week.

(GatoCommodore) #8

@Mc1412013 said:
Holy crap did a developer post in the forums. Wow im amazed all thw sd posts this week.

must be all the “go to reddit if you want to be heard” posts…

(woodchip) #9

“This scaling only exists in Objective Mode (and has for well over a year) which is designed to be a drop-in / drop-out mode. In Stopwatch Mode, which is much more competitive, we have fixed 25s spawn times.”

Perhaps that made sense before the removal of objective from the server browser, but right now it isn’t clear whether SW or Obj is the more competitive mode. Seems weird to support drop in - drop out only in the shorter mode where players are less likely to stay for the entire match.

Prepatch it worked because the people joining stopwatch really were selected for interest in a more competitive mode. Now that’s no longer the case, and a lot of SW games suffer from drop-outs. To the best I can recall drop-outs are more common in SW now than Obj.

(FunkyMonk3y) #10

Remind me again, why don’t we have Objective mode in most servers anymore? This change to having a fix respawn time in the only game mode available in North America and most surrounding servers just doesn’t make sense to me.

As a more of a casual gamer, playing half way through a stopwatch mode where people have a tendency to leave half way through the game or just simply switch team and make an already imbalance game more imbalance, is just very unappealing to me.

With 813 hours of playing this game, it feels like this game is just slowly making me less interested in playing it anymore. I understand effects of adding new contents to the game along with the good and bad but try not to change the things that works. Please…?

(Melinder) #11


Why don’t you play Objective mode if you dislike Stopwatch so much?

Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but I am getting the impression that you seem to think this feature is due to a recent change. I can assure you it is not, and that there have been no changes for years.

(n-x) #12

I think with CMM it’s time to make the spawn timers like in SW.

The drop in and out isnt that bad and there is an automatically back filling going on. So this reason that it is for balancing teams out, when one is a man down, is kind of moot.

The reason, that it should prevent competitive players from spawn nading beginners is also not relevant anymore since CMM is seperating (or should seperate) pros from beginners.

Also, the plus side of having a uniform timer system is, that players can get a rhythm to where opponents can be at roughly what time and can practice all the important timer dependent strategies, they will later need in ranked.