Why are special edition cards not tradeable?

(Press E) #1

Been talking to one of my friends all day about what cards to trade, finally settled on swapping a halloween crotzni for a Ranked Season 4 Caulden and a few other small skins… only to realize they weren’t tradeable.

Like, why? What’s wrong with letting us do what we want to enjoy the game? We both played the halloween event, we both played ranked season 4, so it’s not like we’re trading these cards to a new player who didn’t earn them. But even if we hadn’t played then, would it even matter? No, of course not, it would make no more difference to the game than the 1st gen crafting events DB has already had several times.
It’s not like we could choose those weapons either. Instead ranked cases took a hell of a lot of grinding just for a small chance of getting the weapon you want, and as for contraband cases, we could only buy one rng case!

All this is, is an unnecessary restriction that ruins potential enjoyment of the game. Why can’t we just trade what we want?

(Nail) #2


Steam Trading is ALMOST here…

We’re very sorry for the delay. Regulations around Loot Boxes are different all over the place so making sure we tick all the boxes has been a little tricky, but now almost all of our ducks are now in a row and it won’t be long until you can trade with one another!"

(Press E) #3

Yeah but what does that change? Steam trading is here now

(Nail) #4

didn’t know,they didn’t update the announcement and I hadn’t been in game but yeah, seems rather pointless to just have a couple weapon skins as the only tradable things


… so I’ll never be able to get a better Jackal’s Eve Nader and Stoker card? Pretty depressing because that was the last event I threw my money at out of excitement and desperation for some awesome orange skins. I got some great ones, but this really sucks. I’d honestly give half my loadout inventory just to have an M55 or SM83 in those skins.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #6

I want all kinds of options like trading cards for trinkets or rads