Who hacked the forum?

(deej) #1


Somebody hacked the forum and replaced the icons for the posts with above one screwing up my thread views \o/.

I blame ultra cool hacker Ih4v3n0t4stez0r.

(Wils) #2

Looks like an arrow pointing at a piece of paper with one folded corner to me. What do you see?

It’s times like these that I like to mash Ctrl F5 repeatedly while muttering under my breath.

(deej) #3

Hmmm. Mozilla playing tricks on me? :confused:

(Shaderman) #4

First I’ve seen the same but then - after some beer - I saw the release date of ET:QW printed on this piece of paper :eek:

(Joe999) #5

i got it too from time to time. it’s simply that the wrong images are loaded. just refresh your browser window.

(Black_Forky) #6

Once I got a bunch of smiley pirate emoticons instead of an orange border :S

(kamikazee) #7

For some reason, I’m seeing reyalP’s avatar where there should be those exclamation marks in grey triangles.
For those not knowing who I’m talking about:
reyalP’s avatar:

Image I see in the forum: (even after some refreshes. Check link to be really sure)

(Jaquboss) #8

i see that big ETQW icon instead edit button :nag:


(Ragnar_40k) #9

I had the forum logo:

insted of the delete button:

Quite funny because they differ alot in size (but it seems to be fixed).

(Salteh) #10

Yeah, it seems to randomly happen, had it happen on my machine too o_O.
Usually a shift/ctrl f5 fixes it for me.

(Higgins) #11

Where I see peoples text I see this:


(Jaquboss) #12

but i have that ETQW logo even if i refresh, it is almost week now…

(eq-Shrike) #13

me too … i keep getting an ET:QW screen between posts … weird …

(kamikazee) #14

Here things went back to normal…

(Gringo) #15

I have experienced weirdness, instead of salteh’s avatar pic i see this pic

(Sauron|EFG) #16

That’s a picture of his soul. :stuck_out_tongue:

(eq-Shrike) #17

it’s the ‘invisible motorbike’ duck display team he has been training … :wink:

(Joe999) #18

ok guys, this problem is getting serious now. look at woot i got presented: the SD logo replaced by the IE symbol. that’s blasphemy!!!

if someone asks, the sd logo still had the url …/forum_header_01.gif, so the html was ok.

(B0rsuk) #19

I think it’s just a feature of Internet Exploder.

(Nail) #20

empty your cache