Who broke my forums!?

(amazinglarry) #1

I was very confused just now hahaha. I dig the new ahhhh… order though.

I’m really out of it today. Crazy ninja change, though.

(tokamak) #2

I like it, makes it harder for newbies to find the brink section.


Why you dislike new people coming to this forum? What made YOU join this forum?

Not meaning to sound rude BTW:)

(tokamak) #4

Activision made me join this forum.

(SockDog) #5

And other topics is hidden even further away, I like it here. :frowning:

(shagileo) #6

SD had cookies - activision failed that part
That’s the real reason you joined in

(amazinglarry) #7

Hmmm… never been in the Suggestions and Feedback before. Personally I feel like it’s a bit too broken up. Not that it’s difficult to navigate now, by any means, but I liked it better when it was grouped by games etc and I’m probably even remembering that wrong.