Which sniper?

(Reeaves) #1

After buying Phoenix and Bushwhaker I want to get a sniper merc. I must say that I’m not a good fps player and my accuracy is between 30 - 50 % (average - 32.6% with all guns, 62% with MoA). So, which sniper merc and sniper rifle would be a good choice?

(Wulie) #2

I would NOT recommend you a sniper until you got better at aiming (no offense). But if you insist- Vasili is the more flexible, in my opinion, with MP as Secondary.

(ARandomLugia) #3

@Reeaves said:
After buying Phoenix and Bushwhaker I want to get a sniper merc. I must say that I’m not a good fps player and my accuracy is between 30 - 50 % (average - 32.6% with all guns, 62% with MoA). So, which sniper merc and sniper rifle would be a good choice?

I will agree here with @Wulie here, just skip out on the snipers for now. Since you have stated to have unlocked 2 mercs pernamelty already, I am assuming you are fairly new and ill get it out of the way directly.

You will most likely not perform all to well and will most of the time tilt your team from the first spawn wave on. an insta lock sniper is already enough to send most people with so many hours under their belt straight to tilttown. You will most of the time either get carried or absolutely destroyed.

IF you are insistent on getting a sniper though, I can stop you but I would than advice to pickup either arty or kira first to transition from automatic weapons to burst and maybe later to snipers.

(Reeaves) #4

@ARandomLugia said:
IF you are insistent on getting a sniper though, I can stop you but I would than advice to pickup either arty or kira first to transition from automatic weapons to burst and maybe later to snipers.

I prefer Skyhammer over Arty and also I don’t like burst fire weapons. Kira looks interesting but she’s too squishy I think. It tempt me to buy Vassili or Phantom.

(ARandomLugia) #5

@Reeaves said:

@ARandomLugia said:
IF you are insistent on getting a sniper though, I can stop you but I would than advice to pickup either arty or kira first to transition from automatic weapons to burst and maybe later to snipers.

I prefer Skyhammer over Arty and also I don’t like burst fire weapons. Kira looks interesting but she’s too squishy I think. It tempt me to buy Vassili or Phantom.

There is a logic behind transitioning from automatic to burst to snipers. You learn to aim and not waste shots. Seriously, get more hours in game before you commit to a sniper (or phantom for that matter). I atleast felt pretty dumb when I bought them.

(Mc1412013) #6

i always preferred vasili as a sniper. his heartbeat is way better than the snitch. ive used the heartbeat sensor plenty of times to alert team of mercs in underground tunnels and control rooms and you can put it in places thatenemy team cant shoot like on top of buildings and and between objects

(Da_Mummy) #7

None of them.
Question answered (unless you want to look like an idiot then… go wild)

(Splicerrr) #8

Snipers help with pushes, eliminates enemies at range, and provides intel on enemy positions. You must have good aim in order to play one, or else you won’t be doing any good besides spotting.

A reminder that dirty bomb is a fast pace game, so snipers are not always needed and NEVER put yourself close to the enemy.

If you have good aim, I recommend Aimee because she has the snitch device which is able to spot and weaken enemies, causing more damage to the enemy when hit. A downside is that she has low health and one shot with explosives. You should only be playing her at a far distance with the Felix ( or pdp but it’s pretty bad). I would not use the grandeur because you have to play closer with it, making you more vulnerable to explosives, and automatics.

Vassili is an all round sniper, he has the moa and the Felix which both are good snipers. He is only able to spot but he has more health than Aimee. You can play him from medium or far range. Try to stick win your teammates a bit more when playing and not stay to far because you need to spot for your team and help eliminate enemies for pushes. I would recommend you vassili, as you are just starting out.

Redeye is way more different recon than vassili and Aimee. He is an aggressive sniper and should only be played medium range with the dreiss or grandeur unless you can land headshot a from afar. Use your smoke to your advantage. Also use it to cover your teamates when planting/repairing/defusing etc. Also take out stoker molotovs as well. You should only play lone wolf if you are good and your smoke is available. You have the most health compared to all snipers. Redeye is basically a stealth,
sneaky fire support with no ammo or explosive.

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

(henki000) #9

I would go with Red Eye first, because of tactical smoke and simple spotting abilities. But Aimee is eye-candy and Vasilli has best set of rifles.

(Swagger24904) #10

I think sniperis the hardest merc to play so if u wanna play sniper i think you should train your aim. U can train it at aimbooster.com. And if u are good at aiming I suggest vasili he had a heartbeat sensor to locate enemy :smiley:

(Teflon Love) #11

I have awful aim, so I rarely play sniper. But when I do, the most fun for me is Aimee. You can deploy the SNITCH device to wind down enemies’ health and run around like a mad chicken going for pistol and knife kills. You can be actually useful by causing irritation and distraction behind enemy lines.

(Xerny) #12

I rarely play as a sniper but when i do, i prefer playing Aimee.

Although her secondary weapons aren’t as effective as Vassili’s and her health pool makes her more fragile than nitrogen triiodide, she’s probably one of the most useful snipers along Hunter.

Her SNITCH device makes enemy mercs get more damage from bullets, including the bullets of your allies!

Meanwhile Hunter’s EMP Bolt is also quite useful, if there’s a Rhino sitting in a health station while also being protected by a Turtle shield while ALSO being indoors, your first options would be Phantom or Hunter.

Honestly, every sniper is great if you have great accuracy (except Phantom.)