Which map do you hate the most

(Mc1412013) #1

Which map do you hate the most?? Please specify original or redux for Dome and Terminal, i couldn’t add them because of the limit on poll length

Also would you support the idea of adding classic dome and classic terminal back as optional downloads for the rentable servers if given the option???

(Sorotia) #2

Probably between the new Dome and Chapel.

New Dome because they nerfed the map just because some people couldn’t handle two points.

Chapel because I’m so tired of it, so boring and straight forward, every time it pops up it gets voted to play.

(Press E) #3

I really don’t like Castle. I’m not entirely sure why, I’ve forced myself to play it quite a bit hoping I’d start to enjoy it more, but I just can’t.
I think it’s mostly the atmosphere. Chapel I like, but something about Castle just feels eww. Too blue, whereas Chapel still feels warm.
Plus there’s almost a complete lack of proper cover in Castle as well. Everything is like, exposed from at least 2 routes or only knee-high, which makes playing anything besides an assault merc awkward af. They kinda did that with other recent maps, but Castle just went overboard on it.

The old terminal was pretty fun, albeit pretty unbalanced along with Vault. I still enjoy them tho.
The new terminal just went too far though. The map needed minor tweaks, but instead it lost what made the first objective fun

Dome redux feels pretty lame now too. The first objective is just awful, the secondary there is almost totally useless, and having only one route is just boring.

I really like underground, it’s nice not to have to worry about firesupport spam. The first objective can get a little iffy with defenders being able to jump onto the elevator platform, but it’s not that bad. I just hope they don’t go overboard again.

Trainyard is eh. I’ve never liked it, even pre-rework, but post-rework just feels too cheesy. Once either team builds up momentum it’s either a complete spawncamp until the end of the match or an easy march to the last objective, which is pretty much the only good one left.

Bridge is fine, Chapel would be fine if we had merc limits, and Vault is somewhat unbalanced but still fun.

Dockyard definitely isn’t my favourite though. I absolutely loved the blockout version, but there’s too much awkward terrain. Calling in an airstrike is a nightmare with all the jagged roofs and poor surfaces to target laser or artillery, and the ground us unnecessarily uneaven which becomes frustrating in firefights. Not to mention escorting the EV is extremely long and tedious, and usually gets stuck at the second turn right before the forward spawn point.

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #4

This was actually pretty tough, considering I have a… “strong dislike” for many maps in video games just in general.
I was thinking Chapel because of how often it gets picked (and the last point is just… ugh), but then I thought of Bridge because of the 9 trillion chokepoints it has, but then I thought of Dome because it makes me sad when I think of the old Dome. I settled on Underground, mostly just because I can just feel the spawncamping everytime it gets picked, and the last point just always feels like a brick wall to attack into. At the same time, though, it can get pretty “steamroll-y” on defense.
It’s not even my least favorite map to play on, honestly, I’ve had some of my most fun and intense matches on Underground, but it just… brings up too many memories.
So sad. So sad.


Chapel is not a bad map, it’s actually a great map. But I am beyond tired of playing it every other game. It gets voted too often, regularly starts/ends in spawncamps, and has the most snipers in its lobbies. Those reasons alone made this vote a no-brainer for me. I don’t really hate any maps, though. Old Terminal was probably my least favorite overall, but thankfully it wasn’t selected often.

(Splicerrr) #6

A redux like terminal really made me dislike the map. The first objective is literally explosive spam. Hopefully when they redo underground it won’t be bad.

(Your worst knifemare.) #7

I hate Arty land.

(Da_Mummy) #8

Even after they “balanced” it out for the attacker side the first objective is still a crawl and as a medic you will always meet a sniper bullet to the face since the sight lines are ridiculously long.
And the Last objective is just pretty much stalemate simulator 2018 at this point.
It’s mostly not the map itself but just how it plays and how long it takes.

(bgyoshi) #9

Chapel has always been the worst map. I loved it until I learned how to play it. I’ve turned it off in CMM, filter it out in server browser, and leave lobbies that vote for it. Spawncamping is required to defend the repair, spawncamping is required to deliver the EMPs, which is just bad map design. The entire map consists of straight-line corridors with very long sight lines, making it filled with snipers. Airstrikes and artillery strikes feel 100x more effective on this map, and there are some corners that, if you get the EV destroyed at them by any competent team, you probably will never repair the EV again.

Bad design, bad implementation, bad strategy, bad everything. However I will say, it certainly feels like a first run of what DB was trying to be at it’s core. Playing on it feels like the old days of DB.

But it sucks.


New terminal is coming up hard though. It seems like it’s a voting option in every lobby, even after you just played it, and it seems to be voted on far more often than any other map. I’m getting sick of it.

But Chapel… highest on my shitlist since August 2015


I don’t dislike any of the maps to the point where I’d leave the server if they were voted for but if I had to choose I’d probably go with Vault. Terminal was very, very high up in my list and it was a close call between it and Vault but since its rework I don’t mind playing on it at all. Underground on the other hand is also defender sided but it’s an enjoyable experience nonetheless and its upcoming rework should help with that. Then there is Vault. I mainly hate the first objective; it’s a mess, the MG area is beyond overpowered and it’s incredible hard to capture as its accessibility is dependent on the nearby secondary generator.

(GatoCommodore) #11

i hate playing on terminal maybe because people arent playing on it

(xTriXxy) #12

Terminal redux the worst map ever made.

(FalC_16) #13

Hate the redux maps. Terminal was my second fav map. Now I despise it. Hope they wont do this to bridge and underground and chapel.

They should really start focusing on new content instead of breaking the existing one.

(LifeupOmega) #14

Nothing is worse than Trainyard. It’s a mile long sightline with garbage objectives and chokes.

(kopyright) #15

Castle’s second objective feels too short, and both defender’s exits on the third stage are too easy to block once the C4 has been planted.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #16

first objective on Trainyard

(pumpkinmeerkat) #17

Have never liked Dome but I don’t like how Terminal was changed either. Keeping half the map the same and dramically changing the first objective makes it feel disjointed. Could have made a few tweaks to improve design without completely changing the feel of the map.

Much preferred where engagements occured on the original. I think the easiest change to start with would have been to either redesign the balcony to be less powerful to defenders or just prevent access to it entirely. Felt broken to play against without forward spawn.

(Artyrim) #18

My win rate in ranked is about 20% in this map…can’t solo it with my shotgun Proxy
The second worst map for me is underground
I hate the maps where is hard to solo

(Szakalot) #19

Dockyard for me. everything is fine till EV gets stuck by the 2nd MG nest right after the bridge. If you dont have a fire support that knows how to take out the generator it gets grindy as hell. Basically pushing a single open area with a nice ‚get shot at from all sides’ moments.
And then the final objective is incredibly defense biased, with very distant spawn for atackers and difficult to displace hard cover ramp overlooking the entire objective

(Xenithos) #20

@Szakalot said:
Dockyard for me. everything is fine till EV gets stuck by the 2nd MG nest right after the bridge. If you dont have a fire support that knows how to take out the generator it gets grindy as hell. Basically pushing a single open area with a nice ‚get shot at from all sides’ moments.
And then the final objective is incredibly defense biased, with very distant spawn for atackers and difficult to displace hard cover ramp overlooking the entire objective

Can confirm, people are complaining about the redux maps when Dockyard just feels like a big pain in my butt. It’s also super easy to spawn lock attackers on the first objective if your team’s co-ordinated.