Which DB message board is the most AIDS inducing?

(TheStrangerous) #1

Personally, every time I went to ANY steam hub community forum, I got a tumor. :dizzy:

(Artyrim) #2

Btw ABP :smile:


Twitter and it’s not even close. There’s a reason why I don’t use that crap.

Edit: Misread title. Thought you meant any forum/social media in general, not the ones related to DB specifically. Uh, I guess Reddit then. Don’t read much of anything from there related to DB, but it’s all pretty whiny from what I’ve seen.

(Sorotia) #4

@Wintergreen said:
Twitter and it’s not even close. There’s a reason why I don’t use that crap.

Edit: Misread title. Thought you meant any forum/social media in general, not the ones related to DB specifically. Uh, I guess Reddit then. Don’t read much of anything from there related to DB, but it’s all pretty whiny from what I’ve seen.

Not to mention the downvote system there and how it’s generally abused.

(AlbinMatt) #5

Regardless of the topic, this place is less preferable than taking a bath in Chernobyl with a Fukushima survivor.

(TheStrangerous) #6

@AlbinMatt said:
Regardless of the topic, this place is less preferable than taking a bath in Chernobyl with a Fukushima survivor.

Hide Youtube comments plugin FTW!

(Dr_Plantboss) #7

Reddit, also known as


(Press E) #8

Reddit and steam are probably tied for me.
Reddit is great for memes, but not for game discussion. The way it sorts posts basically censors unpopular opinions, even when they still have a place in discussion. Not to mention massively inflating the status of other posts.

Steam is just generally pretty toxic though, at least the last time I was there. I haven’t checked it in a while so who knows, but I have a friend who used to moderate there, he absolutely hated the place. Not to mention I kinda miss being able to react to posts.

Youtube isn’t really bad, at least for DB, just filled with noobs who don’t understand the game. “Proxy is OP, like if you agree” and the like.

I’d barely call twitter a message board too.

I pretty much always avoid twitch. Chat spam is the worst for me.

I haven’t really used the other ones honestly. These forums are usually pretty good though, mostly nice people who actually understand how to play the game unlike the other platforms.

(Szakalot) #9

autism is out, now its time for AIDS?


(GatoCommodore) #10

-not using the superior nexon Dirty Bomb Official forum


(bgyoshi) #11

I thought you meant FORUMS and not FORUM SITES

I was wholly disappointed when the Execution forums weren’t an option

(fryszopen) #12

yeah, Reddit by far. Is like half of the user in there are 15 years old or less.

(Da_Mummy) #13

Just in terms of giving me headaches from reading. Was there ever anything useful in the steam hub. But if I want to go full salt mine I’d always go for Reddit. But Reddit can actually be fun if you want to see the potential of human stupidity.

(Eox) #14

I am fine with your silly threads most of the time, but when it’s made to spread hate it’s not fine anymore.
