Where is the documentation?

(badong) #1

Where is the documentation for the editor? The Help option (F1) doesn’t bring up anything. The ID site doesn’t have any information about it whatsoever, and that doom3.com website is a joke.

I though we were beyond the days of searching a million forums, and asking a million times to find the answer to the simplest of questions. What’s with these guys? They spend 4 years making an engine and then they don’t tell people how to use it. The crytek sandbox had a big ass help file with it which included pretty much everything. Why can’t Id do the same thing? Is this what they mean by “when it’s done” cause it really doesn’t look done to me.

This sucks. :disgust:

(Scampie) #2

I’d expect, like Quake3, the docs will come with or just after the SDK is released.

(Zombie13) #3

Yup like Scampie said when the sdk comes out docs will probably follow, the games hasnt even been out a month, so give them a chance to get it together :slight_smile:


(badong) #4

maybe I should ask them to give me a chance to get my money back.

(Zombie13) #5

FYI this forum also helps people who are having trouble with the editor, well last time I looked at least, so if you have problems ask, I am sure someone can help you with what you need to do, complaining doesnt make for good progress, just ask, and we’ll see what we can do :slight_smile:


(chavo_one) #6

You didn’t buy an editor, you bought a game to play. The editor inclusion wasn’t advertised on the box, so re-adjust your attitude please. As others have pointed out, at least wait to see what is included in the SDK before slandering Id.

(badong) #7

No I can assure you a big chunk of my $55 went to paying for the 3 years they spent making the engine. 5 maps, a pistol, and a flashlight are not worth 55 bucks.

Even when the SDK does come out though I’m sure it’ll be packaged inside an expansion pack or some other title so we’ll have to pay even more money. People can fly is doing it the same way for their pain editor, and I don’t agree with that either, but I just can’t wait to check out some of those Painkiller textures.

(Zombie13) #8

Well tbh there is more then enough info out there to make maps, everyone else seems to be going quite fine if you ask me, you’re just being stuborn.


(Scampie) #9

There is no real official documentation on creating things for Doom3, and like I said, it’ll most likely come out with the SDK id has already said they’re working on to release as soon as they can. Now, despite your perceived lack of quality/quantity in the game, others have been quite satisfied by it’s single player gameplay as well as it’s multiplay. This is a direct result of id focusing on the task at hand and creating a game. It’s silly to think they should have taken time and manpower away from this focus just to write up full documentation for the 10% of their customers who’ll be using it. It’s nice that Crytek did it, but expecting it from every company is just setting yourself up for disappointment.

Like Zombie said, most everyone is getting along fine with level editing as is, and a majority of the really good info will come over time from other amatures playing with the tools, no matter how thorough the docs are. It’s a blessing that id will take the time to give us info and tools to work with their engine for free, as you’re literally being given a high end toy to create with, something other game companies pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to use in their games. Your $55 dollars paid for you to play the game.

You talk like you feel ripped off, but even so, I think you’re being unfair assuming id plans to sell you the manuals for editing with an expansion pack. This is the gaming company that years ago made it simple and easy and legal to edit and tweak their games. This is John Carmack’s company, where he threatened to fire people in the past for even considering they start patenting their technology. These guys even fully released the sources to all their past games. Id has always been about openness, the comparision to People Can Fly, and their choices, is laughable.

In the end, I feel you’re just being impatient, or just trolling for response. Let’s just wait and see what id comes up with, if it’s a good as the Q3 editing docs, I’m sure we won’t be disappointed.

(badong) #10

Though you make some good points there are a few things I disagree with.

First off, when it comes to gaming companies, you should never judge them by their previous work. Gaming companies can change overnight, and the same one that put out a masterpiece yesterday, might release a real stinker today. I’m not talking about D3, but the argument is not without tons of examples (like our good friend Deus Ex:IW).

Now the editing. The game engine market has become incredibly competitive. There are the big players: Doom engine, Unreal2, Crytek, and the soon to be released Source. But there are also a ton of smaller, less known engines such as the pain engine, the BF1942 engine, the max payne engine, the tron2.0 engine, and the many, many strategy and rpg titles which all come with level editors (remember Neverwinter Nights). This has become a seller’s market and the companies need us more than we need them. The great thing here now is that we don’t have to settle and be happy with what they give us, but we can demand more.

I’ve tried most of the editors out there, and have been using radiant for about a year now so I know it pretty well. However unlike most people in these forums I don’t have a “loyalty” to any company. Many people here who have used the quake tools for a while have become oblivious to the rest of the editing world out there and only accept whatever left-overs Id decides to throw at them. “Going back to the classics”…god…what’s next, issuing games on floppy disks. Just like companies are competing to get their engines out there, so are we mappers and modders competing to get our work to surface from the over saturated editing communities. To do that though we need the best tools, and best manuals, so that we don’t spend a year just learning how to work things.

If you are one the people who love Id, then you are the ones who should be more judgmental towards it. If they have been doing this for so long, then how is it possible for new companies like crytek to do things so much better than them (well that farcry MP was nothing to be proud about, but at least it had CTF).

But fine…we’ll wait until they release everything, and then we’ll really judge. Plus most people never even bother to read the manuals. I can’t remember how many times I’ve seen questions on the ET editing forum that could have been answered by the first paragraph of the manual.