Where can you see your own forum rewards?

(Smokeskin) #1

I should have some awards by now, but I can’t find them?

(Apples) #2

your profile

(Smokeskin) #3

I think the problem is the awards don’t update properly. After posting the question, I got some awards.

Over a week ago, a thread of mine got over 2,000 reads, but I haven’t received an award for it yet.

So some admin manually have to start the award process?

(Herandar) #4

They might have be affected (Temporarily disabled, perhaps…) when they were removed from every post.

(kamikazee) #5

[QUOTE=Smokeskin;330515]So some admin manually have to start the award process?[/QUOTE]Yes. The script normally runs every x hours IIRC, but it slowed down the forum too much. Badman or the nearest code monkey was reworking the code/DB behind them to speed up the process.

(Salteh) #6

Yeah, badman disabled the updater for now. It’ll be back ‘soon’! :slight_smile: