I’m configuring QuArK to map for RTCW. I need to know where to find the build tools. If there is a link to download just the build tools (not as part of an SDK, etc.), that would be best.
where can i find build tools?
You will also most likely want the RTCW game media that is normally distributed with radiant (sample map, cleaned up shaders, entities.def, models etc.)
You could try the ‘game packs’ which are listed here http://zerowing.idsoftware.com/files/radiant/nightly/1.5/ for radiant 1.5, or install one of the earlier versions of raidant, with the ‘full install’.
Or you can try to piece it together from subversion: https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/svn/radiant/
k, I’m curious what entities.def is. I’m guessing it defines rtcw’s entities, but it isn’t distributed with Radiant and I can’t find it on subversion. Do I need it?
ISTR the entities def has been changed to a different format for 1.5 or something to that effect.
One more question. Where can I find the textures? (and what directory do I put them in?)
The textures are in your rtcw .pk3 files. You can extract them if you want. There may be a few others in the other .pk3 files found in svn.
I was under the impression that quark hard RTCW support. If so, it seems likely that setting it up would at least be documented somewhere. But I have no direct experience with quark, so I can’t help you any more than that.
Quark “supports” many games, but not in the most accommodating way. There are no official documents on how to set quark up for a particular game, and you have to have to scrounge around for the build tools and assets elsewhere. Thanks for the help.