When is the next cup going to be?

(KEEPiTaHuNNeT) #1

I want to join a cup. I didn’t download RAD until the middle of January so I missed out on the first one but since then I’ve been a very active user in the game and I’m interested in joining the next cup. I’m a level 39 about to reach 40 soon.

(Catnadian) #2

Hard to say if it’ll be anytime soon. The debut tournament came about as a result of popular interest, but the time allotments were rather flexible and the tournament itself is only now starting to conclude as a result; the earliest there would be another tournament would be after the upcoming patch. If another one does come along sooner than expected, I’d still be up for it too…

(KINONEZ21) #3

How can we refister for the cup? What are the requierments? Where will they post the next cup?