When is sparks getting a buff?

(fryszopen) #1

And why do sparks even exist?! Aura is a much better option in every scenario. Don’t get me wrong, sparks are my favorite med but damn she is so underpowered. Also, the revifle is not good enough to justify sparks being so Potato.

(Your worst knifemare.) #2

She can one shot mercs and unlike other medics, she can revive teammates from across the map.

(fryszopen) #3

But it’s not easy to get those one shot kills, even if you have decent accuracy. the point is, why even choosing sparks when other medics are easier to use? she is useless when healing. His ability shouldnt be his primary, that’s none sense.

I really think she need a buff.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #4

Dual Empire-9s >:)

(woodchip) #5

Sparks scales very strongly with aim skill and positioning knowledge/awareness. She’s very strong, which is why she was nerfed several times to her current power level, which is fairly balanced.

Being able to revive enemies from the safety of infinite range is VERY GOOD.

People use Sparks all the time to great effect, which is pretty good evidence she isn’t weak. Also, until she was nerfed to her current state she was a constant balance problem, which is other good evidence that buffing her is a bad idea.

This is a bad post, don’t do it again.

(Rokon2) #6

On that note, I haven’t used Sparks a lot. Perhaps the least used of my meds. How do you use Sparks? Like a healbot, or more offensively like Phoenix?

(Da_Mummy) #7

Well she isn’t my main but in my less important opinion sparks is the exact opposite of Phoenix.
Her job is to stay back with a little charged Revifle. Drop Med Packs for teammates that you just revived for yourself or in some rare occasions your pocket.
Best used as a secondary medic she allows the Primary medic to focus more on healing and keeping everybody alive. She also allows the primary to be more aggressive as long as he is in line of sight. If you aren’t in immediate danger and you have your team on front of you it’s also pretty common to see Sparks trying to snipe enemies and weaken or even kill the for her team.
Use your 450 Movementspeed to position yourself on higher ground in order to overlook the chaos.

All in all I don’t think she needs a big buff considering a Sparks with good aim and map knowledge can be one of the most terrifying things to fight since you always have to be right on the enemy to finish them as soon as they fall and even then you run the risk of just getting sniped by an electric bolt to the face.
I hope that kinda helped.

(LifeupOmega) #8

Go watch high level play, then ask this question again.

(Rokon2) #9

@Da_Mummy said:
Well she isn’t my main but in my less important opinion sparks is the exact opposite of Phoenix.
Her job is to stay back with a little charged Revifle. Drop Med Packs for teammates that you just revived for yourself or in some rare occasions your pocket.
Best used as a secondary medic she allows the Primary medic to focus more on healing and keeping everybody alive. She also allows the primary to be more aggressive as long as he is in line of sight. If you aren’t in immediate danger and you have your team on front of you it’s also pretty common to see Sparks trying to snipe enemies and weaken or even kill the for her team.
Use your 450 Movementspeed to position yourself on higher ground in order to overlook the chaos.

All in all I don’t think she needs a big buff considering a Sparks with good aim and map knowledge can be one of the most terrifying things to fight since you always have to be right on the enemy to finish them as soon as they fall and even then you run the risk of just getting sniped by an electric bolt to the face.
I hope that kinda helped.

It did help a bunch, thanks. It sounds like she’s a more safer Guardian regarding her ability to not only revive teammates, but also to snipe enemies with the same gun. When I used Sawbone I generally just put health packs in areas where the team would occupy to preserve that sustain, but I don’t think I’d be able to pull it off with Sparks since her med kits are less potent.

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #10

If you learn how to aim with the Revifle, you make Sparks the most powerful mercs. The only thing she can’t do well is heal, which is why you probably want like a Sawbonez to help you out.

(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #11

Well smg nerf coming next update-bad news for Sparks :frowning:

(henki000) #12

Sparks is bad. It works only if you make this licence to kill your teammates in FF on matches. Its easy to get complains about team kills when playing sparks. If you fail, your team literally blame you from losing a match.

Sparks is difficult to play on entry level.
Sparks is not rewarding to play on 100 hour level.

It’s not that rare to see sparks replaced to other medics in competetive play. You can see fragger almost every match, but not sparks.

(GatoCommodore) #13

@henki000 said:
Sparks is bad. It works only if you make this licence to kill your teammates in FF on matches. Its easy to get complains about team kills when playing sparks. If you fail, your team literally blame you from losing a match.

Sparks is difficult to play on entry level.
Sparks is not rewarding to play on 100 hour level.

It’s not that rare to see sparks replaced to other medics in competetive play. You can see fragger almost every match, but not sparks.

yeah, its better to pick sawbonez to accompany fragger

usually people went
Fragger, Sawbonez, Skyhammer (more arty than skyhammer tho), Bushwhacker, Fletcher
Fragger, Sawbonez, Stoker, Bushwhacker, Turtle.

i rarely saw 2nd medic

(fryszopen) #14

I think some of you are not getting the point. Every merc is a great merc if you have good aim. But sparks is too difficult to use on entry-level player, she is the Less newbie friendly merc. And now with the recent machine pistol nerf she will be near impossible to play as.

(Your worst knifemare.) #15

After the recent update, I would like to see her or machine pistols to get a small buff.

(ValyrianKaos) #16

@fryszopen said:
I think some of you are not getting the point. Every merc is a great merc if you have good aim. But sparks is too difficult to use on entry-level player, she is the Less newbie friendly merc. And now with the recent machine pistol nerf she will be near impossible to play as.

But if you balance on casual play it will be far too OP in competitive play. So it’s best to balance things on high lvl play. Her reviving from range is actually a huge game changer. Especially if she is played by a player who knows how to use her.

The fact the Op said he uses her and it’s his favorite med and is asking for a buff shows he can see her potential and he is already doing well enough with her to make her his favorite. He just wants the extra power of being able to wreck people with his gun aswell.

(henki000) #17

Nah, Sparks isnt OP in tournaments. Even if she was banned by fE in xmas Cup. Havent seen tournament winning team with sparks and will doubt if we ever will. Most of the teams pick Phoenix and Sawbonez, with good reason.