What's changed since Turtle was introduced?

(DarkMatterMatt) #1

I’ve played 810 hours (Steam) and am about level 45. I stopped playing a few months before Turtle was released (maybe 14 - 18 months ago?), what’s changed since then?

New maps?
New heroes? (Turtle - shield engineer, Javelin - rocket assault)
Are the load-outs balanced? e.g. Sparks 383(?) was considered the best Sparks load-out by far
Have any characters had major reworks? What’s happened to Phantom, in a nutshell?


(GatoCommodore) #2

imo, its not spark’s fault everyone needed that quick charge.

Sparks should have that faster charging and the perk erased and changed into something like flying pig or springy

(Mc1412013) #3

@DarkMatterMatt said:
I’ve played 810 hours (Steam) and am about level 45. I stopped playing a few months before Turtle was released (maybe 14 - 18 months ago?), what’s changed since then?

New maps?
Dockyard and castle and terminal destryoyed rework
New heroes? (Turtle - shield engineer, Javelin - rocket assault)
Guardian and hunter
Are the load-outs balanced? e.g. Sparks 383(?) was considered the best Sparks load-out by far
Work in progress

Have any characters had major reworks? What’s happened to Phantom, in a nutshell?


Why does this feel like im answering a troll post

(kopyright) #4

@Mc1412013 said:

@DarkMatterMatt said:
New maps?
Dockyard and castle and terminal destryoyed rework


(Artyrim) #5

@DarkMatterMatt said:
Have any characters had major reworks?

Nerf(“balance”), nerf(“balance”),nerf( " balance") . Only Skybro was buffed a little and Phantom

(Xenithos) #6

@GatoCommodore said:
imo, its not spark’s fault everyone needed that quick charge.

Sparks should have that faster charging and the perk erased and changed into something like flying pig or springy

… or BOTH

(Xenithos) #7

@DarkMatterMatt said:
I’ve played 810 hours (Steam) and am about level 45. I stopped playing a few months before Turtle was released (maybe 14 - 18 months ago?), what’s changed since then?

New maps?
They redid 4/7 of Terminal. Redid Dome at some point but I think you were here then, added Vault and Castle. Next up on redo list is Underground, and NO they haven’t touched Dockyard yet.
New heroes? (Turtle - shield engineer, Javelin - rocket assault)
Guardian (anti-spam shield) (area revive dome thing), Hunter - Crossbow Hanzo with EMP. He’s a better Vassili with a crappy and I mean CRAPPY knife.
Are the load-outs balanced? e.g. Sparks 383(?) was considered the best Sparks load-out by far
Pfft, “BALANCE” we don’t need none of that. TBH though most of the cards are still being balanced etc, we’re on gen 2 but I think you already know that. Soon a new loadout system will be dropping that allows us to better pick the weapons and augments as well as cosmetics for each individual merc. So I want dreiss with flying pig, drilled, and Chopper on a Kiratana with a selbstadt.40 in my single Humble Bundle skin. Yeah, that’s right, but again… “Soon™”. When it comes it’s going to be amazing though. Absolutely can’t wait for it.
Have any characters had major reworks? What’s happened to Phantom, in a nutshell?
I mean, Fragger lost 10 hp, and Sparks had a bunch of indirect nerfs and no longer heals herself as much. Submachine pistols were changed across the board, snipers are weird af now, and shotguns got some nice changes I guess. More accurate, less spread, more ammo, less damage and no headshot multiplier.

Now… Phantom. He gets his own little spot here. Phantom turned into a cheesy douchebag. SD said that they’d make him 100% invisible, and add a slight delay before he can be used offensively when coming out of cloak. What we then GOT was 95% or so invisible (he’s still visible when paying attention and it’s honestly rather refreshing) a near complete removal of sound from him sneaking up on people, and no delay time. All in all 9/10 patch - Hunter’s knife should be fixed.

Phantom changes that are coming won’t fix the problem either if they’ve already come or not…


Absolutely welcome. Have a great day.

(LifeupOmega) #8

@DarkMatterMatt said:
New maps?

Vault, Terminal Redux, Castle

New heroes? (Turtle - shield engineer, Javelin - rocket assault)

Guardian and yet another unneeded recon who slows down games.

Are the load-outs balanced? e.g. Sparks 383(?) was considered the best Sparks load-out by far

I’d still rather have an Unshake/Get Up card than the 383. Loadouts are typically fine and usable across the board outside of certain mercs (Nitros Rhino LUL). As I’ve always said, find augments you like and use cards with them.

Have any characters had major reworks? What’s happened to Phantom, in a nutshell?

He got needlessly buffed because people found it too hard to brainlessly melee people in a gun based game. Now all 5 recons bog down servers so hf with trying to find games where your aim actually matters.

(Your worst knifemare.) #9

They also plan on adding weapon attachments sadly.

(fryszopen) #10

Sadly, right now sparps is the most underpowered merc.

(Xyfurion) #11

My will to play this game.

(Darkwolf3802) #12

Phantom was broken, balance (or lack thereof) and twitch cards that they dont give out to low time streamers