@Artyrim said:
MMM Don’t touch my tralala ( Proxy)
If they nerf her once more then I can say my goodbye to DB.
If they won’t rename the game in Dirty Explosive or Dirty C4 once the game is released (this month?) . Why is called dirty BOMB??? Frager has fragnade ,Nader has explosive eggs of the death, Proxy has explosive pizza with taste of pancakes , Flech has meatballs and so … but there is not a bomb. I plant a c4, I defuse a c4 , not a bomb !!
It is called Dirty Bomb because the setting takes place after the dropping of dirty bombs. Hence the name. Whoever dropped the bombs didn’t drop a “Dirty C4” and “Dirty Explosive” just doesn’t roll off the tongue the same way. And it just sounds kinda stupid, imo.
@woodchip said:
@teflonlove said:
@Artyrim said:
Why is called dirty BOMB???
Because it plays in a London after the explosion of a dirty bomb, a bomb consisting both of explosives and radioactive material intended to contaminate an area to make it uninhabitable by civilians.
In retrospect, this was such a weak setting from the start that someone really should’ve had the game cancelled and rewritten somewhere that doesn’t scream bleak and flavorless.
It’s LONDON but DIRTY and with the arsenal of every modern FPS! Yiiikesss.
Oddly enough, Dirty Bomb only takes place 2 years from now (2020). I guess London better watch out for some nukings.
Though I wouldn’t call the game bleak and flavorless, I agree that it could use a bit more interesting setting. But, hey, then it wouldn’t be Dirty Bomb.