What to buy, what to buy...

(ChaosPinhead) #1

I have around 35,000 saved up. I have 1 of every soldier, and 2 of Kate (though wish I didn’t buy another Kate since DoT doesn’t stack, would have been happier with another Angela I think). At any rate, I’m torn on …what to buy. Should I grab some golden chainsaw for novelty when I can afford it, or save up for a “hopeful” new character when an update drops? It’s been said the next update will be bug fixes so there is a good possibility there will be no new character at all. I’ve considered picking up another Dave or another Madam. If I do get a second character it will be a “light” one so it can run far. Wouldn’t mind another Hamjack either…though I rarely use more than 1 engineer in any fight so 1 is probably enough.

Decisions decisions. What would you all do? Just looking for opinions on what you would do or have done and what you’ve weighed in terms of usefulness

(Sandpuppy) #2

I am going to buy another dee hatlacker before I even own half of all chars, I am too eager to try to annoy my opponents sokoban-sytle :slight_smile:
and since I’ve been reading it several times here, be so kind to answer a “noob”-question - what exactly is DoT? damage of toons? :slight_smile:

(ChaosPinhead) #3

Damage over time. Kate’s Grenade, Juan’s Molotov, Captain’s Bee’s (level 37). But throwing 2 toxic bombs does not cause them to take 25x2 damage just the initial 25, 25 for the first toss damage of each bomb, then the regular -25 -12 -12 afterwards (or whatever it is). I imagine Juan’s molotov works the same way. Either way it is still annoying as heck to go up again several DoT attacks. Me and Crozz had a good match last night. He had 3 kate’s and I have 2, talk about toxic nightmare :slight_smile:

I’ve considered another Dee, but I have 4 engineers already, even though the deploybot is nice, I’m just not sure how it would work out having two of them because you need to be close to use the shotgun. But I have considered it since he’s a cheaper unit. I could get Dee and Hippie :D.

(Sandpuppy) #4

thanks for clarifying this, makes much more sense now :slight_smile: I was thinking two deployobots should make it easier to advance, covering 2 sides and the dees just repairing, darting out of cover to shoot and the deployobots advancing to cover them again. maybe gus following up within that turtle shell, healing and absorbing all the splash damage :slight_smile: but I guess that’s just a rainbow coloured picture in my mind and won’t work at all :smiley:

(Profit) #5

I’d save a bit and pick up an extra Juan :wink:

(ChaosPinhead) #6

Juan is very nice, and even though DoT doesn’t stack, buying a cloaking fire tossing sniper does sound appealing :slight_smile: Plus his molotov is incurable and when it runs out you can just toss the other one, assuming the other Juan is still alive! Not to fancy on him coming with the club but I do have an extra Otto-semi auto in inventory so maybe this is a good choice all things considered.

(Profit) #7

If he came with a sniper rifle he’d be MUCH too useful for the price, perhaps making him cost more to equip “right” was a wise decision.

(ChaosPinhead) #8

You are correct he would be a lot more expensive, especially since he works best with the Botherer SR which is a 33k gun.

(Hot-Wire) #9

I have 44000 saved up right now. I’m going to keep building that number until they release a new character or weapon :). I already have 1+ of each bought right now.

(ChaosPinhead) #10

Bleh I couldn’t resist. I bought Juan with my gold, then spent 4.99 on Rad bucks to support the developer and bought another Madam, and an Angie :slight_smile: Now I have 2 kates, 2 juans, 2 angies, 2 madams. I’m a sucker. Now I can save up for a chainsaw, just to own it.

(Hot-Wire) #11

Lol yeah I bought the chainsaw just to own it as well. Took ages to get that much gold… but I haven’t really even used it hahaha.

(Sandpuppy) #12

damn, I am not questioning that you are the better player, but beating 2 huans, a kate, an angela merkel and the commander on 20squadpoints seems an impossible task, especially if you do not know what you will be dealing with upfront

and you even added bees to all the fire and poison :slight_smile:

those area-effective “dot” attacks really might be a bit too powerful, I agree that the radius should be turned down a little (I think that has been proposed in some or several threats already :slight_smile: )

(Sandman77) #13

Im considering my first Kate or the female engineer seeing I have the best shotgun laying around… Or I wait for new characters… I love Pete but hes so light…

(ChaosPinhead) #14

those 200hp characters have to be guarded like gold, they just die to easy with all these people running around with Botherer SR’s.

Yea the units themselves are fairly balanced out against each other, but when you start skewing the makeup of formations you can make squads that are pretty strong however…what I played is pretty screwed to a sniper heavy formations with a couple angies healing them if they happen to get DoT and all my units have to use light guns to get 5 in a 20, so its really hard to get close to a sniper without taking a bullet between the eyes! :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a tossup, I play that formation occasionally to chuckle at poison/fire/bees (which I just unlocked), and today I’m playing well rounded squads using all my troops.

(Sandman77) #15

Crozzton vs me last game: 3 Texting Kate, 1 Merci, Sud and Commander !!! How to beat that???


(Sandman77) #16

Sud is that guy with watergun right?

(Hot-Wire) #17

I think sud is the guy with the c4 and gasmask.

(Golden_Dawggy) #18

I didn’t want to start a new thread unnecessarily, and since this title fits my issue I’ll ask something similar to OP.
I have about 2.6k gold saved up and I’ve got 22 rad bux. I REALLY want an agent to round up my team so I’m thinking of getting Juan.
The problem is that Juan is a bit expensive and I’m not sure if I should

  1. Buy Sneaky Peter with 22 Rad bux, and then buy Juan with gold, then swap their weapons and use Juan instead of Pete
  2. Earn five more levels and get the botherer for Juan.

What’s better, a weapon or Pete himself with the Otto? Is the botherer good enough to make up for not getting Pete?

(Golden_Dawggy) #19

The title of the thread seems fitting and I didn’t want to bother with a new thread so ill just ask my question here. I have 26k gold and 22 rad bucks.

Should I wait to buy Juan and then the botherer with rad bux OR

Should I buy Pete with rad bux and then Juan and switch their weapons? I really want an agent and I’m not sure which route to take.

(ChaosPinhead) #20

I would get Juan, he is the most powerful character in the game atm…and getting him the Botherer SR, is essential. Those are are just deadly together. Add in his firebomb and…he’s just nasty!

So my suggestion, however you want to arrange it, get Juan and the Botherer :). Then get Pete after because he’s cheaper